When rolling H steel,500轧机报价, the universal mill is used as a universal frame, with two horizontal rolls and two vertical rolls, which are rolled over the web and flange of the rolled piece. When rolling ordinary steel, the universal rolling mill is converted into a two roll frame, that is, without a vertical roll, with only two horizontal rolls, rolling the rolled piece.
Short stress line mill has the following advantages:
It is easy to realize negative tolerance rolling mill, because of the high rigidity to ensure high precision products.
The symmetric adjustment can achieve about two rolling bearings, the stable rolling condition, improve operation efficiency, s**ing maintenance and replacement has important significance to guide and beam time etc.
The basic principle of the cross wedge rolling process is to send the heated bar into the middle of two same revolving moulds with wedge-shaped protrusi. The rod is driven by the mold to make the reverse rotation movement with the mold. At the same time, the material has radial compression deformation and axial extension deformation, thus forming a staircase type part.