Nondestructive testing of rolls is usually carried out by ultrasonic flaw detectors. In the testing standard of cold roll,圣霖国际吊车轨价格, the roll body is usually divided into the surface area,圣霖国际吊车轨经销, the center area and the middle area according to the force condition, and then the critical dimensi of the defects are allowed in each area according to the principle of fracture mechanics.
Roll is the core part of the rolling mill. The use of the roll involves the type selection of the rolling mill, the preparation of the roll, the maintenance and the periodic dressing during the rolling process, all of which are all factors that affect the productivity of the rolling mill, the quality of the product and the production economy.
The roll is of two parts of the roller body,圣霖国际吊车轨, the neck of the roll and the shaft head. The roll neck is installed in the bearing and passes through the sleeve bearing seat and the press down device to the rack. The platinum head is connected to the connecting shaft to transfer the rolling torque. There are three main forms of the shaft; the shaft of a plum, a universal shaft, or a cylindrical shaft with a keyway.
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