在经过改进之后,320rolling mill,目前的轧机设备采用的是被动一轧一拖式生产方式,可以实现两道轧制成型,锦州rolling mill,不仅解决了速度配合问题,而且改变了传统的四道轧制方式,生产效率明显提高。
After the improvement, the current mill equipment adopts a passive one rolling and towing mode of production, which can realize two rolling forming. It not only solves the problem of speed matching, but also changes the traditional four way rolling method, and the production efficiency is improved.
四棍轧机的工作辊直径较小,传递轧制力矩,轧延压力由直径较大的支承辊承受。这类设备的主要优点是相对刚度较大,压下量大、轧延力小,可轧制较薄的板材,700rolling mill,也包括有可逆和连轧两种。
The working roll diameter of the four bar mill is **all, and the rolling torque is transferred. The rolling pressure is borne by the backup roller with larger diameter. The main advantages of this type of equipment are relatively large stiffness, large reduction, low rolling force,350rolling mill, thin rolled sheets, and reversible and continuous rolling two.
辊式轧机生产率可以很高,有的可达到2000-4000 件/小时甚至更高,易于实现自动化生产。总之,辊式轧机适用于对产品精度要求不高,且同时轧制一个或几个零件的情况。辊式轧机是三种类型中运用多的一种。圆弧式轧机适用于大批量的为以后锻造供坯的生产情况。
The productivity of the roller mill can be very high, some can reach 2000-4000 pieces / hour or even higher, and it is easy to realize automatic production. In conclusion, the roll mill is suitable for the low accuracy of products and rolling one or several parts at the same time. Roll mill is the most widely used in three types. The circular arc mill is suitable for large quantities of production for forging later.
圣霖国际-锦州rolling mill由鞍山市圣霖进出口贸易有限公司提供。行路致远,砥砺前行。鞍山市圣霖进出口贸易有限公司致力成为与您共赢、共生、共同前行的战略伙伴,与您一起飞跃,共同成功!