SH HT47uf400v 105
液态铝电解电容器-焊针型LR 系列
Lr = Expected ripple life period (hrs) at maximum operating temperature allowed
在允许的高使用温度,印加额定电压(DC)及额定纹波电流(AC) 之保证寿命
Lx = Expected life period (hrs) at actual operating temperature实际使用条件下的推算寿命T0 = Maximum operating temperature (℃) allowed 允许的*高使用温度(℃)
Tx = Actual operating ambient temperature (℃),calculate as 40℃ under 40℃ 。
Ix Actual applied ripple current (mArms) at operating frequency f0 (Hz)
工作频率 f0 (Hz) 下实际印加的滤波电流(mArms)
I0 = Rated maximum permissible ripple current IR(mArms) x frequencymultiplier (Cf) at f0 (Hz)
额定纹波电流(如目录标示值),如果在不同使用频率时,需乘以补 正系数
※Ripple Current calculation: no need Temperature Multiplying Factor 滤波电流计算:不需温度乘以因数※For Ripple life,Ix Should be 80% equal or more of Io,if less than 80%,
calculate with 80%. 纹波电流应该大于或者等于Io的80%,如果小于80%以80%计算
△T0 ≦5℃= Maximum temperature rise (℃) for applying I0 (mArms) 印加额定纹波电流时,电容所允许的温升(小于或等于5℃)
※ The estimated life is limited to 15 years, if it exceeds 15 years,
take 15 years as standard. 推算寿命以15年为上限,超过15年的以15年计之
※ The actual applied ripple current shall not exceed the specification value, otherwise the formula estimation error is easy to be large and without reference value.