PPR 管材与 PPR 塑件连接,是常见的连接方式,通常大家听到的,ppr 管材热熔连接,就是说的这种方式,我们经常见到的,直接连接,大多采用 PPR 管和直接塑件进行热熔连接,ppr 管材,与 PPR 嵌件伸缩节,可直接进行热熔承插连接。
PPR pipe and PPR plastic parts connection, is a common way of connection, usually you hear, PPR pipe hot-melt connection, that is to say, this way, we often see,宜昌PVC管业, direct connection, mostly using PPR pipe and direct plastic parts for hot-melt connection, PPR pipe,PVC管业电话, and PPR insert expansion joint, can be directly hot-melt socket connection.
PPR pipe can be sealed and used only after pressure test and acceptance.The PPR pipe is mainly installed with hot-melt pipe fittings. The welding time and pressure are not well mastered,PVC管业厂家, and the process is random. In the process of hot melt push welding,PVC管业咨询, it is easy to generate stacking materials to reduce the diameter, and make the fusion joint become an irregular defect area, which produces stress concentration, which affects the long-term energy of price of PPR pipe; For the electric melting connection of PPR pipe, the aging of PPR pipe will be accelerated because copper is mainly used to promote the degradation of PPR.
宜昌PVC管业-Gafloon卡弗龙-PVC管业咨询由台州艾菲力塑胶有限公司提供。台州艾菲力塑胶有限公司是浙江 台州 ,塑料管的见证者,多年来,公司贯彻执行科学管理、创新发展、诚实守信的方针,满足客户需求。在艾菲力塑胶***携全体员工热情欢迎各界人士垂询洽谈,共创艾菲力塑胶更加美好的未来。同时本公司还是从事PPR管,地暖管,PVC管的厂家,欢迎来电咨询。