POM's market prospects:
First, production is becoming more centralized and monopolized. The production capacity of Hurst-Celanese, DuPont, Basf and Mitsubishi Gas accounts for 83% of the global POM production capacity. These companies control the production and market of the world POM and dominate the fate of the world POM. Second, Asia is developing rapidly, and the c***umption of POM is increasing rapidly. Before 1995, about 92% of the world's POM production facilities were located in Korea, Europe, and other industrial developed countries and regi***. From 1997 to 2004, the capacity of new installati*** in Asia, especially in Japan, and Taiwan, China, reached 168,000 t***. With the increase of Singapore, Asia's new capacity accounted for the proportion. About 66% of the world's newly added capacity.
POM产品系列: 标准级 冲击改良级(添加橡胶,弹性体)矿物填充级(低翘曲尺寸稳定级) 玻纤增强级(强度、刚度、硬度、蠕变强度)耐候级 低磨耗级:耐热降低导电防静电级低气味级低摸垢级
高润滑POM :
在POM中加入石墨、F4、二硫化钼、润滑油及低分子量PE等,可提高其润滑性能。例如,在POM中加入5份F4,可降低摩擦因数60%,耐磨性提高1~2倍。再如,在POM中加入液体润滑油,可大幅度提高耐磨性和极限PV值。 为提高由油的分散效果,需加入炭黑、氢氧化铝***钡、乙丙橡胶等吸油载体。加入5%油POM的摩擦性提高72%,极限PV值可达3.9MPa·m/s(纯POM为0.213MPa·m/s),为其他工程塑料的3~20倍。