漳州长泰移动螺杆空压机租赁厦门川野机械有限公司张经理:I59 8O88 5OI6。
漳州长泰移动螺杆空压机租赁 工业废热回收利用大面广,使用技术的方式,设备众多,但也有一些合适的条件下,应该根据不同类型的企业剩余热量,温度、热量、结合生产条件、工艺流程、内部和外部的能源需求,选择适当的利用余热,从而实现降低能耗的目的,提***率。例如:余热梯度利用技术,从热力学的角度来看,能源经过多次使用,会产生损耗,因此,使用的***终会显得效率低下,但当冷热负荷条件存在时,余热梯度的利用是非常必要的。
Industrial waste heat recovery has a wide range of uses, technology and equipment, but there are also some suitable conditi***, according to different types of enterprise residual heat, temperature, heat, combined with production conditi***, process flow, internal and external energy demand, choose appropriate use of waste heat, so as to achieve the purpose of reducing energy c***umption and improving efficiency. For example, the technology of waste heat gradient utilization, from the thermodynamic point of view, energy will be lost after many times of use, therefore, the ultimate use will appear inefficient, but when the cold and heat load conditi*** exist, the utilization of waste heat gradient is very necessary.
Waste heat recovery and utilization is the process of recycling, including heat energy gaseous (such as high temperature flue gas), liquid (such as cooling water) and solid (such as various high temperature steel products) in the industrial production process emissi*** higher than the environmental temperature, and use it. According to statistics, about 50% of China's industrial energy c***umption is not used, but waste heat directly in various forms, the recovery rate is as high as 60%. The ***erage recovery rate of waste heat resources in China is only about 30%, which lags behind the international advanced level by 10 to 20 percentage points.
Jinan air compressor
There are many ways to recover waste heat. Comprehensive utilization of waste heat has the best effect; secondly, direct utilization; the third is indirect utilization (steam power generation). At the same time, different quality and process requirements of energy are also different. In this case, enterprises should make energy c***umption analysis and energy system evaluation in advance according to local conditi***. In practice, some enterprises h***e not carefully analyzed these principles, and it is difficult to achieve good results. For example, some enterprises do not recycle high-temperature coke waste heat, but use low-temperature and low-pressure waste heat; some enterprises use coal gangue to generate electricity, while high-quality coal has not yet been mined. High-quality energy is not fully utilized, so we are pursuing low-quality heat utilization, and low-quality heat utilization is inefficient.