美国CHEMetrics K-3803型Cyanide (free) ***盒
用于测试水中Cyanide (free) 含量。例如:饮用水,新鲜的地表水。不建议用于海水。建议对废水样品进行预蒸馏。该***盒需要使用CHEMetrics直读光度计(多参数水质分析仪:V-2000/V-3000或13mm圆形比色皿的分光光度计。
产品类型 | Cyanide (free) — Vacu-vials® Instrumental Kit |
产品型号 | K-3803 |
测试范围 | 0-0.400 ppm |
测试方法 | Isonicotinic-Barbituric Acid |
测试次数 | 30次/盒 |
产品价格 | 咨询上海益朗仪器有限公司 |
辅助器具 | 30支安瓿瓶、1瓶中和剂溶液、1瓶活化剂溶液、1个25mL样品杯、1支3.0mL移液管、1支空白安瓿瓶、1份说明书 |
Vacu-vials® 是美国CHEMetrics的专利(专利号:3,634,038)。
美国CHEMetrics Cyanide (free) 测试盒
Visual Kits
测试范围 | MDL | 测试方法 | 测试盒货号 | 填充盒货号 |
0-0.1 & 0.1-1 ppm | 0.005 ppm | Isonicotinic-Barbituric Acid | K-3810 | R-3810 |
Instrumental Kits
测试范围 | 测试方法 | 测试盒目录 |
0-0.400 ppm | 异烟酸 - ***酸 | K-3803 |
Cyanide is used in many chemical and refining processes. It is found in effluent from electroplating and metal cleaning operati***, coke ovens, steel manufacturing facilities, and gas scrubbers. Although cyanide can be safely removed by alkaline chlorination, its acute toxicity to aquatic life necessitates routine monitoring of effluents. The Maximum Contaminant Level for free cyanide in drinking water is 0.2 mg/L.
CHEMetrics’ cyanide test kits are applicable to the monitoring of effluents and surface water supplies. It is recommended, however, that the sample be distilled and hydrogen sulfide be removed prior to analysis.
The Isonicotinic-Barbituric Acid Method
Reference: S. Nagashima, Spectrophotometric Determination of Cyanide with Isonicotinic Acid and Barbituric Acid, International Journal of Environ. Anal. Chem., 1981, Vol. 10, pp. 99-106.
In the Cyanide CHEMets® and Vacu-vials® Kit, chlorine is added to a sample that has been buffered to pH 6. The resulting cyanogen chloride reacts with isonicotinic and barbituric acids to form a blue color. Results are expressed as ppm (mg/L) CN.
This chemistry provides two advantages over the more commonly used pyridine methods: (1) The shelf life of the reagent is extended, and (2) the analyst is not exposed to noxious and hazardous fumes from the pyridine reagent.