世界上十大半导体公司是哪些,分别属于哪些***?美国英特尔(Intel)公司,韩国三星(Samsung)电子公司,德州仪器(TI)公司总部位于美国德克萨斯州达拉斯城,日本东芝(Toshiba)在国际市场上盛名远扬,家喻户晓,台湾台积电(T***C)成立于1987年,是***大的***集成电路制造服务公司,意大利意法半导体会(ST)是***性的***半导体制造商,日本瑞萨科技(Renesas)在2003 年4 月1 日正式成立,以***的科技实现人类的梦想,韩国海力士(Hynix)1983年开始运作,核心业务主要集中于三个部分:半导体、通信和LCD。***(***)半导体分部是***电子公司1995年3月在美国加州圣约瑟市建立的一个分部,该分部使***公司能够对变幻莫测、竞争激烈的美国半导体市场迅速做出反应,为***电子公司发展高附加值的通讯、音频/视频、计算机应用产品提供后备支持。高通(Qualcomm)公司开发、销售一系列高性能FPGA半导体产品和软件开发工具。公司原名Peer Research Inc.,1988年4月由John Birkner,Andy Chan 和 H.T. Chua创建, 1991年2月改名为QuickLogic公司,同时发布了它的个FPGA产品--pASIC1系列,并随后开发了基于PC计的开发工具-- QuickWorks,以其容易使用和有效实用被广泛接受。
Two: the Customs at the scene in the asses***ent of second-hand machinery and equipment, can be c***idered in accordance with the replacement cost of machinery and equipment as well as the old and new, to obtain the relevant depreciation coefficient, thus calculating the value of asses***ent. When using this method for the evaluation of second-hand machinery and equipment, the basic and normal use of machinery and equipment shall not be less than 30% of the old and new, the asses***ent value shall not be less than the value of the new machine of 15%.
公式为:二手机器设备估值 = 新机价格 × 折旧比率
例如:某企业进口美国产卡特比勒牌3516型旧柴油发机组,1992年生产,约为7成新,货物的功率为1000KW。据了解,目前卡特比勒3516型1000KW新机价格约为FOBHKD 95万/台,因此可根据此方法考虑对该票7成新的二手发电机组评值约为5.5-6折左右,即约FOB HKD 52-57万/台。
For example: some enterprises imported American made Carter Bielefeld card 3516 old diesel generator unit, in 1992, about 7 new goods, the power is 1000KW. It is understood that at present, Carter's 3516 1000KW new machine price is about 950 thousand FOBHKD / Taiwan, so you can c***ider the ticket into a new 7 second-hand generator rated value of approximately 5.5-6% according to this method, which is about FOB HKD 52-57 million / taiwan.
Because of the machinery and equipment into the new rate is on the second-hand machine appearance, service life, use time comprehensive evaluation of many factors, can be more close to the actual value of second-hand equipment, according to the ratio of depreciation to new rate of equipment therefore, this method is the preferred method of evaluation of second-hand machine depreciation equipment.