

所在地区:广东 东莞


JSW Plastic hot melt adhesive

产品编号:1086439274                    更新时间:2019-11-25
价格: ¥4600.00


  • 主营业务:OCA光学胶
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Characteristics of jsw-Plastic hot melt adhesive: single component, 100% solidified substance, no solvent, no pollution, no poison. Resistant to water, oil and acid Fast curing, easy to wet, high adhesion and high strength. Plastic hot melt adhesive has stable performance, excellent toughness and filling property after curing. It is suitable for the adhesive process of TP and bracket 615 hot melt glue dispensing scheme is the most perfect way to bond mobile phone, tablet TP and bracket more simply, so many digital product assembly enterprises are adopting dispensing technology, which is a major trend in the market. Using 615 hot melt glue dispensing process, only one dispensing machine is needed, and the process is also simple: dispensing, fitting and pressure maintaining (10-20 minutes, you can use a clamp or a pressure maintaining jig, without affecting the production efficiency)

The above is a brief introduction of Plastic hot melt adhesive. For detailed data, please go to the download window of jinshengwei official website. The following is the informal information of Plastic hot melt adhesive for reference only.

Thermal aging mechani*** of Plastic hot melt adhesive: two changes occur when the adhesive meets heat: 1. Physical changes are reversible reacti***. Linear thermoplastic rubber softens and melts, while cross-linked thermosetting rubber produces large deformation. 2. The chemical changes of Plastic hot melt adhesive are irreversible reacti***, mainly thermal decomposition and oxidative decomposition. This is the main reason for the thermal aging of the adhesive. The main temperature parameters characterizing these changes are c***tant temperature, thermal deformation temperature, melting point, decomposition temperature, etc. When Plastic hot melt adhesive is heated over, the mechanical strength decreases significantly. When the heating temperature reaches the peak, the adhesive will be permanently damaged and cannot be used. Experiments show that moisture is far more serious than thermal decomposition in curing Plastic hot melt adhesive. Because the moisture is the chemical bond solidified by Plastic hot melt adhesive first, the products generated by the solidification reaction will be permanently invalid and should not be dissolved for use.

Plastic hot melt adhesive has the property of melting when heated to a certain temperature. The melted colloid has good fluidity and adhesiveness. After cooling, the glue liquid is wet cured into semi-transparent colloid, which not only has adhesiveness and toughness, but also has good electrical insulation and moisture resistance. At the same time Plastic hot melt adhesive can be softened and repaired again by heating after curing, so it has reversible performance. Products are usually provided in the form of glue bottles, and Plastic hot melt adhesive in the glue bottles is melted by heating of the glue dispenser. And then sizing the material. The glue dispenser is mainly composed of three-axis structure, heating system, temperature control, air control and other parts. The heating chamber is heated and temperature controlled by PTC heating element to Plastic hot melt adhesive, so that the colloid becomes liquid glue and flows out from the needle. JSW glue dispenser uses AC 220V power supply, and the gluing method is very simple. The operation process is connected to the power supply and heated to continuously glue. Plastic hot melt adhesive bottle is melted in the heating chamber and then applied to the gluing part from the needle. The glue forms gluing after moisture curing.

Enterprises that produce Plastic hot melt adhesive should do a good job in communicating with digital product enterprises and strive for data support from all aspects. According to the actual Plastic hot melt adhesive data provided by application enterprises, they should develop and produce products more suitable for automatic dispensing. Compared with imported Plastic hot melt adhesive, Taiwan JSW Company is in a strong position in terms of capital, information, management, technology, talents, market, etc. Countries with developed Plastic hot melt adhesive market all regard promoting the development of Plastic hot melt adhesive industry as an important work of enterprises and mainly promote the development of Plastic hot melt adhesive industry through scientific and technological development.



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