新款USB 3.0控制器采用了QFN小尺寸封装,uPD720201封装尺寸8x8mm,UPD720202封装尺寸7x7mm,相比上代产品缩小50%。新款芯片还支持从BIOS通过PCI-E总线***安装固件升级,不再需要搭配外置闪存,降低了整个解决方案的PCB面积和芯片数量。瑞萨有效降低了芯片工作在低功耗状态(未连接USB外设)的漏电流水平,从而将低功耗状态功率降至4.5mW,相比上代产品节电90%。通过改善数据传送处理电路,使用外置硬盘等USB 3.0设备的实际传输速度相比上代?PD720200A可提升40%。新品UPD720201可提供4个USB 3.0接口,UPD720202则为2个。 UPD720202 is a USB host controller LSI compatible with the USB 3.0 and xHCI (eXtensible Host Controller Interface) 1.0 specificati***. The system bus is compatible with the PCIe Gen2 specification.The controller provides two USB ports with LS (low-Speed) / FS (full-Speed) / HS (high-Speed) / SS (SuperSpeed) support.
?PD720202 comes in a 48-pin QFN package and has the following improvements over previous products..
Reduced power c***umption in low-power mode to 4.5 mW, a reduction of 90 percent compared with Renesas Electronics' existing products
Improvements to the data transfer processing circuit provide an increase in the effective data write speed of more than 40 percent from existing products
Firmware download function eliminates the need for external serial flash ROM
System I/F: PCIe Gen2 x 1 Lane
USB ports: 2 ports (SS/HS/FS/LS)
Comply spec to: PCIe 2.0 Base Spec
USB3.0 rev1.0 (USB-IF certified: Test ID = 380000037)
Intel xHCI rev1.0
VDD: 1.05V, 3.3V
Clock: 24MHz Xtal clock input
Package: 48 pin QFN (7x7mm, 0.5mm ball pitch)
从USB 3.0产品出现至今,NEC的***USB 3.0主控芯片uPD720200一直是市场上***常见的USB 3.0解决方案。去年7月,NEC电子和瑞萨合并而来的新瑞萨电子发布了第二代USB 3.0主控uPD720200A,今天则又推出了第三代产品uPD720201和uPD720202,在提升传输速度的同时,还降低了功耗水平。
新品uPD720201可提供4个USB 3.0接口,uPD720202则为2个。通过改善数据传送处理电路,使用外置硬盘等USB 3.0设备的实际传输速度相比上代uPD720200A可提升40%。
另外,新款USB 3.0控制器采用了QFN小尺寸封装,uPD720201封装尺寸8x8mm,uPD720202封装尺寸7x7mm,相比上代产品缩小50%。新款芯片还支持从BIOS通过PCI-E总线***安装固件升级,不再需要搭配外置闪存,降低了整个解决方案的PCB面积和芯片数量。