

所在地区:广东 广州


HYSTER海斯特电动堆垛车蓄电池24-5D***0 海斯特叉车R1.6N用蓄电池48V500Ah

产品编号:1245405683                    更新时间:2020-03-07
价格: ¥18800.00


  • 主营业务:柳工叉车电瓶|诺力叉车电瓶|TCM叉车蓄电池|台励福叉车蓄电...
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  • 公司地址:广州市白云区夏花二路28号


彭海波 13538843060




时常做好海斯特叉车蓄电池的清洁工作,确保其外边的整洁干净。如果蓄电池需要长时间不用,则应该将叉车蓄电池拆下,充满电后,放置阴凉干燥通风处保存。海斯特80多年来,专注投入与工程质量,其研发经验堪称;纳科集团的***和经验丰富的设计及测试工程师,拥有行业内的设计工具和过程。从概念到 新品发布,每一个新产品都会经过仔细、严格的九个阶段。每一步都必须确认产品将为未来用户提供所有预期的利益,我们所用的材料、所做的实验都是为了打造出 在各种运用工况均能适用的强悍叉车,因为拥有高质量、耐久力强以及低的总拥有成本的良好基础,我们的叉车在正常折旧完之后,其残值仍高很高。我们的叉 车一向以“强悍”著称。

海斯特的叉车往往可以使用到十年以上,甚至有些地方已经投入使用达二十年的海斯特叉车依旧在正常使用。梁总把海斯特的这一特性称为 “低购置成本”,即虽然海斯特叉***身的价格并不低廉,但是在维修和油料损耗方面,海斯特叉车所需的投入要大大小于那些价格相对较低的叉车。综合海斯特叉 车较长的使用寿命,平均到每年的成本其实更低。广州贝朗斯公司从事海斯特电瓶叉车蓄电池多年研究与开发,深知道维护与***才能决定叉车电瓶的寿命。


Guangzhou Bellence Power Supply Co., Ltd. is a professional supplier of battery packs for Hyster forklifts. It has many years of operating experience and is equipped with a full range of Hyster battery forklift batteries. Business. As a well-known electric forklift truck in the world, Hyster forklifts h***e performed well at home and abroad. However, no matter how good the quality of the electric forklift, its battery also requires us to do a good job of maintenance, let me briefly talk about the maintenance of the battery of the Hyster forklift. Add distilled water to the battery in time to ensure that the battery level of the forklift battery can reach the standard, so as not to affect the service life of the fork. The electrolyte page should not be too high or too low. Generally, it should be 10-15 mm higher than the electrode plate. Full will easily cause the electrolyte to overflow, which may cause short circuit or leakage.

Always do a good job of cleaning the battery of Hyster forklifts to ensure that the outside is neat and clean. If the battery needs to be left unused for a long time, the forklift battery should be removed and stored in a cool, dry and ventilated place after being fully charged. Hyster has been focusing on investment and engineering quality for more than 80 years, and its R & D experience is well-known; the experts and experienced design and test engineers of NAK Group h***e design tools and processes in the industry. From concept to new product launch, every new product goes through nine stages that are careful and strict. Each step must confirm that the product will provide all the expected benefits for future users. The materials and experiments we use are to create a powerful forklift that can be used in various operating conditi***, because of its high quality and durability. Strong and low total cost of ownership, our residual value remains high after normal depreciation. Our forklifts h***e always been known as "powerful".

Hyster forklifts can often be used for more than ten years, and even some places h***e been in use for twenty years. Hyster forklifts are still in normal use. Mr. Liang referred to this characteristic of Hyster as "low purchase cost", that is, although Hyster forklifts are not cheap, the investment required for Hyster forklifts is much less than maintenance and fuel c***umption. Those relatively inexpensive forklifts. The comprehensive service life of Hyster forklifts is actually lower on ***erage per year. Guangzhou Bellance has been engaged in research and development of Hyster battery forklift batteries for many years, and knows that maintenance and maintenance can determine the life of forklift batteries.

Its price and subsequent use costs are strongly related to maintenance. The battery price of a group of 48V400AH forklift trucks is about 14,000 yuan, and the battery life can reach 1000 times, but if the maintenance is not good, it will drop about 600 times, or even lower.

广州贝朗斯动力电源有限公司电话:020-86603123传真:020-86611468联系人:彭海波 13538843060


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