

所在地区:广东 广州


惠州电瓶叉车电池批发 海斯特E6Z平衡重叉车电瓶10PZS1200 贝朗斯工业蓄电池生产36V120

产品编号:1248202083                    更新时间:2020-03-08
价格: ¥31500.00


  • 主营业务:柳工叉车电瓶|诺力叉车电瓶|TCM叉车蓄电池|台励福叉车蓄电...
  • 公司官网
  • 公司地址:广州市白云区夏花二路28号


彭海波 13538843060



贝朗斯公司生产海斯特叉车专用铅酸电瓶组,适合各种吨位的海斯特叉车,从1吨-10吨都可配套叉车使用,拥有5-6年的工作寿命,适合冷链物流、仓储、工厂、码头、电商仓库等搬运蓄电池车辆,海斯特叉车电瓶型号根据铁箱安装尺寸决定,必须与叉车充电机配套,不然长期很容易导致蓄电池组过度充电或者无法充电饱和状态,贝朗斯公司拥有115名***销售团队,***各地几乎都设立经销商,可快速提供安装,精准报价。电池组在连接前请先用细钢丝刷清 理接线端子上的氧化膜,使之出现金属光泽,电池组各联接处必须牢固连接,螺栓与螺母的扭矩约为11牛顿.米。搬运时蓄电池应处与正常位置,不应受剧烈振动及冲击 。安装时注意不要碰撞接线端子, 勿使端子短路, 严 禁吊挂接线端子搬运,以免影响密封性能。

叉车蓄电池出厂前已充电完毕,从出厂到安装使用之间容量有不同程度的损失,使用前应进行一次回复充电。要使蓄电池有较长的使用寿命,请使用性能良好的自动稳压限流充电设备。当负载在正常范围变化时,充电 设备应该达到&plu***n;1%的稳压精度,充电设备应能满足本说明书中所规定的充电要求。浮充使用的非工作期间请不要停止浮充,海斯特叉车电瓶,充电时必须严格遵守章程,不可玩忽职守,造价不菲,是电动叉车行业中具价值的铅酸蓄电池组。


我们在收到叉车蓄电池时,在安装或调试使用必须要注意几点:避免电池组后期续航能力不够,安装时应注意电池的极性,蓄电池的正极接充电设备或负载的正极,蓄电池的负极接充电设备或负载的负 极,严禁接反。由于电池组的电压比较高,在安装、使用和检修过程中应戴缘手套,防止***。不同型号、不同种类以及新旧程度不同的电池不能串、并在一起使用。

Belluns produces lead acid battery packs for Hyster forklifts, suitable for Hyster forklifts of various tonnages. It can be used with forklifts from 1 to 10 t***, with a working life of 5-6 years, suitable for cold chain logistics. , Storage, factory, dock, e-commerce warehouse and other storage battery vehicles, Hyster forklift battery model is determined according to the installation size of the iron box, and must be matched with the forklift charger, otherwise it may easily cause the battery pack to be overcharged or unable to be charged for a long time. Belluns has 115 professional sales teams, and dealers are set up in almost all parts of the country, which can quickly provide installation and accurate quotes. Before connecting the battery pack, use a thin steel wire brush to clean the oxide film on the terminal to make it shiny. The joints of the battery pack must be firmly connected. The torque of the bolts and nuts is about 11 Newton-meters. The battery should be in the normal position during transportation, and should not be subject to severe vibration and shock. When installing, be careful not to bump the terminals, do not make the terminals short-circuited, and it is strictly forbidden to hang the terminals for transportation, so as not to affect the sealing performance.

The forklift battery is fully charged before it le***es the factory. There is a loss of capacity to varying degrees between the factory and the installation. You should recharge it before use. To make the battery h***e a longer service life, please use a good performance automatic voltage regulation current limiting charging device. When the load changes in the normal range, the charging device should reach a voltage regulation accuracy of &plu***n; 1%, and the charging device should be able to meet the charging requirements specified in this manual. During the non-working period of floating charging, please do not stop the floating charging. The battery of Hyster forklift must strictly follow the regulati*** when charging. Do not neglect your duties and the cost is high.

In addition to manufacturing products, Hyster forklift batteries also bear social resp***ibility. The company's production is based on the concept of "environmental protection". There is no acid ***ell in every corner of the factory, and the production has reached zero emissi***. In an environment where battery competition is extremely fierce, The company still adopts the "cadmium-free" formula to improve employee treatment and improve the working environment of workers, thus winning the recognition of foreign customers. 60% of the company's sales are exported, and it is growing at a rate of 50% every year. At the logistics equipment exhibition, Hayes The special electric forklift battery is matched with the perfect forklift. It has won the praise of many customers for its high efficiency and high quality. It is the "fighter" in the industry. When we receive the forklift battery, we must pay attention to a few points when installing or debugging. : To ***oid insufficient battery life in the later period, pay attention to the polarity of the battery during installation. The positive pole of the battery should be connected to the charging equipment or the positive pole of the load, and the negative pole of the battery should be connected to the charging equipment or the negative pole of the load. Because the voltage of the battery pack is relatively high, wear gloves to prevent electric shock during installation, use, and maintenance. Batteries of different models, different types, and different levels of old and new cannot be used in series and together.

广州贝朗斯动力电源有限公司电话:020-86603123传真:020-86611468联系人:彭海波 13538843060


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