March 1, 2018
Dear UL WERC***artCustomer,
尊敬的UL WERC***art客户,
We'd like to notifyyou of a few important changes that will take effect with our March release(March 1, 2018).
Searching forspecific WERC***art IDs in My Messages will yield the proper results based onWERC***art IDs. There were reports ofentries simply showing “0” being displayed on searches.
在我的消息中搜索特定的WERC***art ID将根据WERC***art ID产生正确的结果。有些条目简单地搜索时显示“0”。
On the Ingredientarea, when hovering over the Public Name information, the hover displayed amessage: “Object”. This has been corrected to reflect theingredient name.
My Retailers,Genuine Parts, has been corrected and now includes an upper-case “P” on theretailer’s name.
In My Account, whenviewing deactivated users, rather than the email displaying for the user, thesystem was displaying numeric code. Th*** corrected.
When editing UPCs ona registration, “S***e” needed to be clicked by the user twice. With the update, single click on S***e willnow properly function.
在注册编辑UPC时,需要用户点击两次“保存”。 随着更新,现在单击保存就可以正常运行。
When viewing theshopping cart, if you had ala-carte items such as Safety Data Sheet Authoringincluded, and you removed the item from the cart, some users were experiencinga screen showing a blank cart. When allitems are removed from the cart, users will now be brought back to theWERC***art Home Page view.
My Retailers andData C***ent opti*** has been fully revised so that the Data C***entrequirement for the retailer will only be ***ailable to the account if there areproducts within the scope of the Retailer’s sustainability program. If the account has no product registrati***within scope for any retailer, additional Data C***ent is not required.