ABB提供***的干式变压器,一次电压达到72.5KV,且符合所有主要标准,包括国际标准IEC和ANSI的规定。 为了降低火灾风险和环境污染,客户越来越多地选择干式变压器。 它们满足不同电力系统的苛刻要求和极端气候条件领域。ABB干式浇注变压器完全免维护,严格按照工业和国际标准要求制造,包括ISO9001要求。
产品手册-PRODUCT BROCHURE EcoDry:超***干式变压器 EcoDry:Ultra-efficient dry-type transformers 2 EcoDry-超***干式变压器|Ultra-efficient dry-type transformers — 超***非晶合金干式变压器 EcoDryBasic 很久之前,ABB就认识到保护气候和环境的必要性,因 此,ABB的所有产品都以环保为首要前提。我们生产的 超***干式变压器在效率上得到了很大的提高尤其满足 了注重环境保护和成本效益的客户的特殊应用要求。 ABB has acknowledged the need for protecting our climate and erviroment for quite some time and as such prioritizes eco-compatibility in all our products.Our new ultra efficient dry-type transformers h***e been greatly improved in terms of efficiency,specifically tailored to the particular application identified,for customers with a commitment to environmental protection and cost awareness. 我们的责任 Our resp***ibilities 环境保护及气候变化均属于目前我们面临的重要的问 题。以一种负责任的态度进行资源保护一直以来都有益 于可持续管理的开展,然而今天,各个企业的产品必须 是节能型产品,这样的要求比以往任何时候都来得强烈, 只有这样,才能应对能源价格上涨的压力并降低CO2的 排放量。ABB工作人员正以一种更加智慧的方式为客户 提供更为节能的解决方案。 Environmental protection and climate change rank among the paramount issues confronting us sp***ible c***er vation of resources has always been conducive to sustainable management, but today,more than ever,the business community has to deploy energy effcient products in order to guard against the risk of rising energy prices and to reduce the emissi*** of CO2. We at ABB are working ***arter to offer our customers soluti*** of enhanced energy-efficiency. 我们的EcoDry非晶合晶系列超***干式变压器包括输 电变压器,它能够帮助客户快速将环境影响降低到*** 小,并节省运输成本。我们根据客户的不同应用要求, 采用了不同的技术,每项技术均能针对特殊的应用目的 提供有效的解决方案。 With our EcoDry product range of ultra-efficient dry-trpe transformers,we offer our customers distribution transfomers where they can both,minimize their environmental impact and s***e operating costs at pending on the customer's application,we utilize different technologies,each of them geared to providing the most f***orable solution for the particular purpose involved. 我们的答案 Our answer 依据负载率的情况,变压器的损耗可近似组成如下:如 果负载率低,损耗中空载损耗占大多数;如果负载率高, 则负载损耗就大幅增加,从上图中可明显看到这一点。 Losses from transformers h***e to be approached differently,depending on the ***erage loading:if loading is low,the no-load losses will show up substantially in the figures;if loading is high,the load losses will be preponderant. This is clearly apparent from the diagram above. 造成空载损耗即铁损的原因是铁芯磁化(磁化损耗)及铁 芯涡流。只要变压器通电,就会发生这样的损耗,且这些 损耗不会随着负载的增大而发生任何改变。因此,对于低负 载运行时的变压器来说,降低空载损耗有着特别的意义。 No-load or iron losses are caused by fluctuating magnetization of the core (hysteresis loss) and by eddy currents in the core. These losses occur as soon as the transformer is energized, and they do not alter as the load rises. The reduction in no-load losses is thus of particular relevance for weakly loaded transformers. 在存在电阻损耗和涡流损耗的情况下,导体出现负载损耗 即铜损。负载损耗的增加与负载率的增加值的二次方成正 比,如果变压器的负载率较高,则有必要降低负载损耗。 Load or copper losses occur in the conductors due to ohmic loss and eddy currents. They increase with the square of the load, and reducing them is an important factor in the case of he***ily loaded transformers. EcoDry-超***干式变压器|Ultra-efficient dry-type transformers 3 为了处理这两种损耗,我们针对每种损耗形态情况,分 别采用了不同的解决方案。立足于自然环境保护,我们 提供了各种成本效益型解决方案,囊括了ABB干式变压 器技术的所有优势,以满足您的应用要求。我们提供的 EcoDryBasic 尤其适合电力企业的应用,EcoDry99plus 适 合制造业,EcoDryUltra 则兼具两者的优点。 We address both kinds of loss, and h***e a solution for each load profile case. For the sake of the natural environment, we offer cost-efficient soluti*** with all the advantages of our dry-type transformer technologies for your own applicati***: the EcoDryBasic , which is particularly well suited for power utilities, the EcoDry99plus for the manufacturing sector, and the EcoDryUltra, which combines the advantages of both these types. 为什么要选择干式变压器 ? Why dry-type transformers ? ABB干式变压器代表了***的技术特征,故而应用范围 广泛。ABB干式变压器安全、环保、可靠,其使用寿命之 长,更是享有盛名。 Dry-type transformers from ABB stand for superior technical characteristics,rendering them suitable for a wide range of applicati***. They are safe, eco-friendly, reliable, and renowned for lengthy useful lifetimes. 如果要求变压器必须安装在使用场地附近,干式变压器 则是更优的选择。由此,干式变压器为客户节省了布线 的安装支出,同时还降低了由于在低压侧使用电缆和接 线端子而造成的各种损耗。 Dry-type transformers are an optimum solution for transformers that h***e to be installed near their place of use. They thus s***e installation outlay on cabling, while at the same time reduce losses in cables and terminals on the low-voltage side. 安全、环保且质量***的解决方案: A safe, eco-friendly, top-quality solution: • 不存在火灾险情:自熄、很大程度上减少烟雾,且防爆 • 不***任何污染物和***物 • 采用超耐用材料,使用寿命长 • 机械强度高,具有较高的***设防震能力——即使在 ***多发地区也能够安全使用 • 具有应对负载变化、过载、短路及过电压的***特性 • 在滤波、变频器及整流器应用方面具有显著的优势 • 减少了安装空间,省去了消防成本和油坑装置成本 • No fire risk: self-extinguishing,minimized ***oke formation,explosion-proof • No risk whatever of pollutants or fire-hazardous substances escaping • Lengthy lifetime thanks to ultra-durable materials • High mechanical strength for withstanding shocks and vibrati*** operationally safe even in earthquake hazard regi*** • Excellent characteristics for coping with load changes,overloads,short-circuits and overvoltages • Outstanding advantages in terms of harmonic, converter and rectifier applicati*** • Reduced installation footprint,no costs for fire protection and oil-pit features ABB是******大的变压器生产商之一,生产多种配电变 压 器、电力变 压 器及各种 附件,提 供 变 压 器 服 务支 持。ABB在***范围内安装的干式变压器在数量上超过 了所有的竞争对手。 ABB is one of the world's largest manufacturers of transformers, offering an extensive portfolio of distribution and power transformers,components and transformer service support. ABB has installed more dry-type transformers worldwide than any of its competitors. ABB是干式变压器领域的技术***者,拥有多年丰富经 验,其产品适用极其广泛的应用领域,这两方面在真空 浇注(VCC)干式变压器和玻璃纤维增强型(RESIBLOC® )树脂浇注干式变压器产品上得到了充分体现。 在要求较高的应用领域中和极端恶劣的环境条件下,我 们的变压器已经工作了长达几十年的时间。 ABB is the technological leader when it comes to dry-type transformers,offering long years of comprehensive experience and the broadest range of applicati***, both for vacuum-cast(VCC)and for glass-fiber reinforced(RESIBLOC® )cast-resin dry-type transformers. Our transformers h***e been running for decades in demanding applicati***, and under extreme environmental conditi***. 4 EcoDry-超***干式变压器|Ultra-efficient dry-type transformers — ***率变压器满足您的应用需求 — 降低70%损耗 Maximally efficient transformers for your own applicati*** — losses cut by 70% 我们提供不同的技术来满足客户的特殊应用需求:若您 需要平均负载率 较 低的配电变压器,我们为您 提 供 EcoDryBasic;若您需要负载率较高乃至非常高的配电变 压器,我们则为您提供EcoDry99plus。 We offer the various technologices involved to suit the customer’s own particular:for distribution transformers with a low mean load the dry-type transformer EcoDryBasic;and for those with a high to very high load profile,the EcoDry99plus. ABB所有干式变压器(即使是标准型)符合全部应用标 准,且能够满足客户的特殊要求。下图是EcoDry非晶合 金系列变压器与标准变压器(HD538)的比较,可以看出 前者的效率得到了进一步的提高。 All dry-type transformers from ABB, even in their standard versi***, meet all the applicable standa*** as well as the customer specific requirements involved. The further improved efficiency levels of the EcoDry range, as compared to standard transformers(HD538) are depicted in the diagram below. 从图中可以看出,各种变压器的******率取决于相应的 负载率,因此也取决于相关的应用。负载率较低时,相 较于欧洲HD538和美国能源部制定的2010年配电变压 器节能标准,EcoDryBasic降低了70%的损耗;变压器平 均负载率较高时,EcoDry99plus节能超过30% 。 EcoDryUTtra适用于负载率高低变化频繁的时段或平均 负载率为中等水平的情况。 As the graph shows,the best efficiency levels for the various types of transformer are dependent on the load involved,and thus on the application concerned. At low loads, EcoDryBasic reduces the losses by up to 70% compared to the European HD538 or to the energy c***ervation standa*** for distribution transformers introduced by the US Department of Energy for 2010. At an ***eraged high transformer load level, EcoDry99plus achieves energy s***ings of over 30%. EcoDryUTtra is used when periods of weak and high load alternate quite often,or the ***erage load is in the medium range. ABB的环境保护策略 Environmental protection made by ABB 通过采用***的技术,我们为您提供的标准和特种变压 器产品均具有***优的质量。我们利用当今***的生产技 术,采用了***的控制系统,这些生产技术和控制系统 旨在保证产品的高质量和可靠性能。 With our technological leadership,we offer you optimized quality for both standard and special products. We use the most advanced production technologies ***ailable and sophisticated control systems, all designed to guarantee products of maximized quality and dependability. 现在,我们在满足您的需求和环境保护方面又进了一 步,采用了***的技术来确保您在降低运行成本的同时 能够以更佳的方式实现环境保护。 Now we've gone one step further for you and for the natural environment, and used our leading-edge technology to ensure that you can deploy more environmental protection while at the same time cutting your operating costs. 1000 kVA 变压器效率比较 Efficiency comparison for 1000 kVA transformers EcoDry-超***干式变压器|Ultra-efficient dry-type transformers 5 — 超***非晶合金干式变压器 EcoDryBasic 来源: SEEDT—节能输电变压器的研发和推广策略;“节能变压器现状分析—技术 及非技术解决方案”。项目编号EIE/05/056 &S12.419632,作者:Ft.Targoszetal,2008年8月 Source: SEEDT—Strategies for development and diffusion of Energy-Efficient Distribution Transformers; "Analysis of exisiting situation of energy efficient transformers-technical and non-technical soluti***", Project No. EIE/05/056&S12.419632, by R.Targosz et al., Aug. 2008 EcoDryBasic变压器是一项高技术产品,基于30年的经 验,采用***新模拟技术而研发,实现了损耗优化。 EcoDryBasic变压器的特征在于采用了***的材料和质量 ***的部件,包括采用非晶体金属作为铁芯材料,这就 是为什么铁芯能够在配电变压器中长期可靠地工作20 多年的原因。 EcoDryBasic is a high-tech product, based on 30 years of experience, and has been developed using the very latest simulation methods for a loss-optimized design. The EcoDry Basic features state-of-the-ary materials and top-quality components, including amorphous metal as the core material, which has proven its durability and reliability in distribution transformers for more than 20 years. 电力企业使用大量的配电变压器来将中压转换成低压。 仅在欧盟各国就已经安装了450万台这样的变压器,每 年的损耗达38TWh(超过丹麦***的总耗电量),产生 的CO2达3000万吨。EcoDry非晶合金变压器能够将损 耗和CO2排放量降到***低50%以上。 Power utilities operate milli*** of distribution transformers that transform the medium voltage down to the low-voltage level. In the European Union alone, 4.5millinon of these transformers h***e already been installed, causing 38 TWh of losses each year more than the entire amount of electricity c***umed by Denmark and 30 million t*** of CO2. The EcoDry transformer enables the losses and the CO2 emissi*** to be reduced by more than 50%. 电力企业的配电变压器在实际运行中通常负载情况往 往是中低负载。由于负载状态为低负载,空载损耗占了 总损耗的大部分,比负载损耗高出了3-5倍。这就是说, 对于EcoDryBasic变压器,降低空载损耗是首要考虑因素 之一。我们为电力企业提供的解决方案是将负载损耗的 优化设计结合起来。 Distribution transformers at power utilities often see only a low mean load in actual operation. With low load profiles, it is the no-load losses that account for the major proportion of total losses and they are three to five times higher than the load losses. This means a significant reduction in on-load losses is one of the paramount c***iderati*** for the EcoDryBasic. When combined with an optimized design for the load losses, it is our solution for use at power utilities. 6 EcoDry-超***干式变压器|Ultra-efficient dry-type transformers EcoDryBasic变压器在生态保护方面表现非常出色,不仅 降低了能源损耗和CO2的排放量,同时还符合其他重要 的环境标准。EcoDryBasic变压器方便实惠:减少了所需 安装空间,变压器无需安装在***的房间。不在需要灭 火保护装置来防火,也不需要使用收集装置来防止漏 油:缩短了低压电缆的长度,这样就降低了损耗,同时 还能够降低冷却过程的运行成本和资金投入。 EcoDryBasic exhibits outstanding ecological figures, not only in terms of wnergy losses and CO2 emissi***, but also in terms of other msjor environmental criteria. EcoDry Basic is a conveniently affordable choice: the installation's footprint is reduced and as a result, no separate rooms are required for transformer installation. Extinguishing ang protective devices to guard against fire are rendered superfluous, as are collecting devices for escaping oil; the low-voltage cable is shorter, with a resulting reduction in losses, the operating and capital investment costs for cooling can also be reduced. EcoDryUTtra是降低变压器损耗的***方案。它综合了 EcoDryBasic和EcoDry99plus两者的优势,同时***大程度地 降低了空载损耗和负载损耗。在某些应用中,为了实现 冗余而同时采用两台变压器供电。对于这样的应用情 况,EcoDryUTtra变压器是更佳的选择,相应地,EcoDryUTtra 变压器的运行负载则为持续的中等水平负载。这样的应 用情况可能是流体输送系统或通风系统。 1变电站中使用的 EcoDry|2 工业中使用的EcoDry|3 可再生能源领域使用的EcoDry 1 EcoDry in a substation|2 EcoDry in industry|3 EcoDry with renewable energies — 超***非晶合金干式变压器 EcoDryBasic EcoDryUTtra is the ultimate solution for reducing transformer losses. EcoDryUTtra combines the advantages of EcoDryBasic and EcoDry99plus, i.e. no-load and load losses are minimized simultaneously. The transformer is a preferred choice for applicati*** where for reas*** of redundancy the supply is fed through two transformers at the same time. And is accordingly operated at medium load on a continuous basis. This may be the case with pumping or ventilation systems. 其它重要的应用还包括可再生能源领域,尤其是光电技 术和风能方面的应用。在较短的时间内,光照强度和风 速的变化可能相当大,同时,变压器负载率在高低之间 变化。EcoDryUTtra能够保证在阴天或无风条件下实现产 量***大化,并同时***大程度地降低变压器空载损耗对电 网造成的影响。 Other important applicati*** include renewable energies, particularly photovoltaics and wind power. Insolation and wind strength may vary quite c***iderably within a short time,with transformer load levels varying between low and high. EcoDryUTtra both guarantees maximized harvest yield and also minimizes the load on the grid from the transformer's no-load losses in the event of cloudy or windless conditi***. EcoDry-超***干式变压器|Ultra-efficient dry-type transformers 7 — 定制化解决方案 Customized soluti*** 遵循标准:GB/T22072-2008《干式非晶合金铁芯配电变压器技术参数和要求》 SCBH15系列变压器技术数据表(10/0.4 kV) Technical data for SCBH15 series transformer (10/0.4 kV)℃ 额定容量 Rated power (kVA) 电压组合 Voltage combination 高压 HV (kV) 高压分接范围 Tapping range of HV (%) 低压 LV (kV) 联结组别 Connection symbol 空载损耗 No-load loss (W) 负载损耗 On-load loss 75℃(W) 空载电流 No-load current (%) 短路阻抗 Short circuit impedance (%) 声压级 Sound pressure dB SCBH15-100 SCBH15-125 SCBH15-160 SCBH15-200 SCBH15-250 SCBH15-315 SCBH15-400 SCBH15-500 SCBH15-630 SCBH15-800 SCBH15-1000 SCBH15-1250 SCBH15-1600 SCBH15-2000 SCBH15-2500 130 150 170 200 230 280 310 360 410 480 550 650 760 1000 1200 1370 1610 1860 2200 2410 3030 3480 4260 5200 6100 7000 8400 10200 12500 15000 0.8 0.7 4 52 53 54 56 57 57 59 61 62 64 65
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