该机采用液压步履式行走方式及伸缩钻杆,工作时动力装置直接潜入孔底驱动钻头回转切削,可实现循环法、回转斗及短螺旋(干法成孔)等几种工法;适用于多种复杂的大桩径基础施工。 This driller utilized the hydraulie&step-type walking way and extesion-type drill stem. In the operation.power device can be directly submerged into the bottom of hole to drive the drill bit for rotary cuttig,and short screw(dry drilling hole)and so on.It is suitable for various comples foudatio c***truction of large diameter pile. All operatios of driller Walking,rotary,positioning,up&down of frame,drilling and lifting will be performed by hydraulic and electronice system. It has the features of high-degree of mechanization,reliable performance, trgular drill hole,***all vibration in operationg, lower noise,high effciency and etc. |