DLS Series double vertical ring high gradient magnetic separator is a new product developed independtly by Dalishen. It combines the characteristic of high intensity magnetic separators worldwide. and is so far the high intensity magnetic separator of best performance and most advanced technology. This product utilizes vertical ring rotation, pulsating beneficiation, and high frequency vibrator, and solves the magnetic medium jam problem in flat ring high intensity magnetic separator and flat ring high gradient magnetic separator. It has the advantages of large beneficiation ratio, high reliability, and convenient operation, etc. This product realizes both high beneficiation ratio and high recycle ratio in separating weak magnetic minerals.
Double vertical ring high gradient magnetic separator series DLS including specificati*** as below, DLS-250、
Application Field:
For processing fine, feebly magnetic minerals, such as hematite, limonite, ilmenite, wolframite, tantalumniobium, red sludge and etc.
For purifying (iron and titanium removal) nonmetallic minerals such as quartz, feldspar, nephline, fluorite, ceramic, material, and etc
Main characteristics
1.2.1 转环立式旋转、反冲精矿。平环强磁磁选机的磁介质堵塞问题是国内外几十年未解决的技术难题。DLS系列磁选机采用转环立式旋转方式,对于每一组磁介质而言,冲洗精矿的方向与给矿方向相反,粗颗粒不必穿过磁介质堆便可冲洗出来,从而有效地防止了磁介质的堵塞。
Vertical ring ration and pulsating beneficiation. Magnetic medium jam of flat high intensity magnetic separator uses vertical ring rotation, the material feeding direction is opposite to the direction of beneficiation for each batch of magnetic medium, thus the coarse granular can be washed away without going through the batch of magnetic medium, the magnetic medium jam is effectively prevented.
1.2.2 设置矿浆高频振动机构,驱动矿浆产生高频振动流体力。在高频脉动流体力的作用下,矿浆中的矿粒始终处于松散状态,可提高磁性精矿的品位。
Equipped with high frequency vibrator, the slurry is driven to generate pulsating hydro-force. Under the action of pulsating hydro-force, the mineral granules in the slurry are always scattered, which improves the efficiency of high intensity magnetic beneficiation.
1.2.3 平环高梯度磁选机对给矿粒度要求比较严格,我们研究了独特磁系结构及优化组合的磁介质,使DLS系列磁选机的给矿粒度上限达到2.0毫米,简化了现场分级作业,使之具有更为广泛的适应性。
Flat ring gradient magnetic separator imposes strict limitation on the fineness of the mineral. We made magnetic medium of unique magnetic system structure and optimized combination, which raises the upper limit of mineral grain- size to 2.0mm, simplifies the work for grading mineral and increased adaptability of the separator.
① 为确定我公司磁选机是否适合目的矿物的选别,给用户选择***佳的分选介质,用户需提供少量样品以供试验。我公司免费为用户做小型试验。
In order to determine whether our magnetic separator is suitable for the beneficiation of the aimed mineral and to help the user choose the best magnetic medium, the customer needs to provide experimental samples. We do experiment for the customer free-of-charge.
② 我公司可根据用户的特殊要求设计和制造磁选机。
We can design and manufacture special magnetic separators upon specific requirement of customers.
③ 指导用户安装调试设备,并为用户培训操作人员。
We will direct the installation and operation of the equipment, and train operators for customer.
In the winter, when the equipment is not used, you should keep the copper pipe of the exciting coils and cooling water pipe of the commutator away from frost. Use the compressed air to blow-dry the main pipe line.