卫衣机L-FLS,TL-FLST Fleece Knitting Machine
新设计的单面三线衬纬卫衣机为三跑道设计,提升了设备的稳定性,产量、质量均更有保证。可编织成鱼鳞布、斜纹布、法兰西双卫衣布,相关产品可制成女装、运动装、保暖服饰。New designed sweater with single 3-thread inlay has three tracks. It improves the equipment stability and guarantees its output and quality. It can knit fish scale fabric, drill and flannelette. These fabrics can make costume, sportswear and warm furnishings.
而特别雕刻的沉降片三角,可用于调整绒毛的长度。此机型亦可增配多种三角及互换零部件,变换为高速单面四跑道单面机、正包毛巾机、反包毛巾机,为一机四用型产品。The cam with special carved sinker can be applied to adjust the length of fuzzy piles. With varied cam and exchange parts, it can be turned into single knitting machine with high-speed one-side 4-track, forward-knitting terry machine and backward-knitting terry machine. It is a machine of 4-purpose.