地处秦岭伏牛山***,森林茂密,野生植物繁多,是中华有机山珍资源宝库。2001年6月份产品取得 ECOCERT 国际生态农业有机产品认证中心颁发的欧盟EU有机食品认证、美国NOP有机食品认证 。其产品全部出口欧美,均经过德国CERES有机认证。
产品说明 :具有高蛋白,低脂肪的特点。常食用可降低血液中的胆固醇含量,防止***,且有明显的***压等作用。
Illustration:The most outstanding characters of this product is it contains rich protein, but low fats. It has the functi*** of lower cholesterol, ***oid hepatocirrhosis, and decline blood pressure ***iously.
Method: Dip this product in the warm water till soft. Boiled in hot water for 15 minutes, stir and fry with meat or make soup with duck, pork or chicken.