地处秦岭伏牛山***,森林茂密,野生植物繁多,是中华有机山珍资源宝库。2001年6月份产品取得 ECOCERT 国际生态农业有机产品认证中心颁发的欧盟EU有机食品认证、美国NOP有机食品认证 。其产品全部出口欧美,均经过德国CERES有机认证。
产品说明: 含有粗蛋白、脂肪、***所必须的各种氨基酸。菌伞表面的粘性物质是一种核酸,对保持***的精力和脑力大有益处,还有******的作用。
Illustration: It contains various of aminophenol, simple proteins, fats, etc. The sticky substance on the surface of the caps is one kind of nucleic acid, which benefits for energy and human brain, also it can inhibit the growth of cancer.
食用方法:将本品于温水中浸泡至回软,洗净,与肉类或蔬菜爆炒,也可与肉类炖成汤菜。Method: wash the mushroom and boiled with meat or dip this product in the warm water till soft to stir and fry with meat or boiling with other stuffs after washing.