

所在地区:北京 北京



产品编号:1940706                    更新时间:2020-08-13
价格: 来电议定


  • 主营业务:计量泵 磁力泵 离心泵 隔膜泵 屏蔽泵 耐腐蚀泵 齿轮泵 真...
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  DGC is a kind ol magnetic -driving, double casings, multi -slage centriiugal puiiip. Under little capacity, high -lilt, non -leakage and high suclion pressure) -s 15MPa). solving extraordinary conveying in most complex system is its domain. The structure design, hydro -mechanical design and magnetic design are advanced. HIGHLAND is the lirsi company that successlully applied magnetic technology lo multi -slage pump in China, solved the problem of magnetic circuli design under Large-power and big clearance. The biggest motor powers have reached to 185Kw Under high - pressure, the problem ol axial force balance ol multislage pumps and the problem oi static seal have been solved . With the temperature monitor ol magnetic -driving coupling and the bearing detector, pumps can run even safely, stably, continuously.
Suitable to convey clean inflammable, explosive, severely poisonous fluids, and other tluids which permit no seal pollution, li is applied to high -pressure water flooding .conveying water or oil within far distance, butadiene rubber, adding hydrogen refining, platina heavy speed insiallation, etc.

性能范围The main specifications:

流量 Capacity 3~280m 3 /h * 扬程Head:86~600m * 温度Temperature: -40℃ ~ +250 ℃ *最大工作压力The max working pressure: 15MPa


(2) 高入口压力,双层壳保护
(3) 小流量,高扬程
(4) 大功率磁力驱动
(5) 轴向力有效平衡,运行安全平稳
(6) 较往复泵,体积小,噪音低,运转周期长

The Features:

(1)Non -leakage, no pollution  (2)High suction pressure .double casings protection
(3)Large-power magnetic-driving
(4)Axial force is balanced effectively .running safely and stably
(5)Compared with reciprocating pump, little volume, lower
(6)noise .longer operation term.

型号标记 Code system

DGC标准性能表 Specifications
Shaft Power
Motor Power
3-43x 2 3 86 2950 13.5 5.2 7.5 2
3 129 7.8 11
4 172 10.4 15
5 215 13 18.5
6 258 12 17.6 22
7 301 20.5 30
8 344 23.4 37
9 387 26.3 37
10 430 29.3 45
6-25x 3 6.3 90 2950 35 3.73 5.5 2
4 100 4.88 7.5
5 125 6.17 11
6 150 7.32 11
7 175 8.6 11
8 200 9.8 15
9 225 11 15
10 250 12.2 18.5
11 275 13.5 18.5
12 300 14.6 22
6-43x 2 6 86 2950 21 6.7 11 2
3 129 10 15
4 172 13.4 18.5
5 215 16.7 22
6 258 19 22.2 30
7 301 25.9 37
8 344 29.6 45
9 387 33.3 45
10 430 37 55
10-40x 2 10 80 2950 33 6.6 11 2
3 120 9.9 15
4 160 13.2 18.5
5 200 16.5 22
6 240 29 19.8 30
7 280 26.3 37
8 320 30.1 45
9 360 33.8 45
10 400 37.6 55
12-25x 4 12 100 2950 40 8.25 11 2.3
5 125 10.31 15
6 150 12.4 18.5
7 175 14.4 18.5
8 200 16.5 22
9 225 18.6 30
10 250 20.6 30
12-50x 2 12 100 2950 33 9.9 15 2.3
3 150 14.9 22
4 200 19.8 30
5 250 29.4 27.8 37
6 300 33.3 45
7 350 38.9 55
8 400 44.5 55
9 450 50 75
10 500 55.6 75
25-30x 3 25 90 2950 52 11.8 15 2.3
4 120 15.7 22
5 150 19.7 30
6 180 23.6 30
7 210 27.5 37
8 240 31.5 45
9 270 35.4 45
10 300 39.2 55
25-50x 2 25 100 2950 46 14.8 22 2.3
3 150 22.2 30
4 200 29.6 37
5 250 42 40.5 55
6 300 48.6 55
7 350 56.7 75
8 400 64.8 75
9 450 72.9 90
10 500 81.1 110
46-30 x 3 46 90 2950 60 18.8 30 2.8
4 120 25.1 37
5 150 31.3 45
6 180 37.6 45
7 210 43.8 55
8 240 50.1 75
9 270 56.4 75
10 300 62.6 75
46-50x 2 46 100 2950 55 22.8 30 2.8
3 150 34.2 45
4 200 45.6 55
5 250 52 60.2 75
6 300 72.3 90
7 350 84.3 110
8 400 96.4 110
9 450 108.4 121
10 500 120.5 160
85-45x 2 85 90 2950 56 37.2 45 3.8
3 135 55.8 75
4 180 74.4 90
5 225 93.0 110
6 270 53 117.9 160
7 315 137.6 160
8 360 157.22 185
9 405 176.9 220
85-67x 4 85 268 2950 54 117.2 132 3.8
5 335 143.6 160
6 402 172.3 200
7 469 20.1 250
8 536 229.8 280
92 603 258.5 315
155-30x 3 155 60 1480 58 43.7 55 3.2
4 90 65.5 75
5 120 87.3 110
6 150 109.2 132
7 180 131.0 160
8 210 152.8 185
9 240 174.7 200
10 270 55 207.2 250
11 300 230.2 280
280-43x 2 280 86 1480 65 100.9 132 4.2
3 129 151.3 185
4 172 201.8 250
5 215 252.2 315
6 258 62 317.3 355
7 301 370.2 400


地址:主营产品:计量泵 磁力泵 离心泵 隔膜泵 屏蔽泵 耐腐蚀泵 齿轮泵 真...

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