铝包钢芯铝绞线(Aluminum-clad steel stranded conductor(ACSR/AS))
铝包钢线是一种将铝连续均匀包覆在钢芯上的双金属线,它兼有导电性能好,耐腐蚀,高频传输性能好以及钢的强度高等优点。铝包钢芯铝绞线是将铝包钢线作加强芯和铝线绞合在一起的绞线,与普通钢芯铝绞线相比,导体重量轻5%,载流量提高2-3%;电力损耗减少4-6%; 使用寿命长,而且不增加任何架设费用。它广泛适用于输电线路用导线,尤其是沿海地区,盐碱滩和三、四级污染工业区的输电线路和要求增大铝钢截面比的输配电线路用导线。
本产品按GB/T 1179-1999《圆线同心绞架空电线》及GB1179-83《铝绞线及钢芯铝绞线》标准***生产。
Model and Name
The ACSW (aluminum-clad steel wire) is a bimetal wire made of steel wire with an even aluminum layer on it. It has many advantages such as good conductivity, anti-corrosive, high tran***ission property and very high strength as steel, ACSR/AS is made of ACSW as reinforcing core and A1 wire as conductive element. Compare to the normal ACSR, its weight lighter 5%, current capacity higher 2-3%, sag lower 1-2%,power loss lower 4-6%. In addition, its service lift is longer, but not need increase any installation cost. ACSR/AS is suitable for tran***ission line, especially the costal regi***, saline alkali regi***, industrial pollution class 3 or 4 regi*** and requiring for the conductors with big ratio of A1/St.
these conductors are manufactured according to GB/T1179-1999 and GB1779-83.
They can be also made according to standa*** IEC, BS, DIN and ASTW.