百施灵Best Paks® 20-10-5
1. Polyon包膜控释氮含量高达70%,肥效期长达12个月,使盆花在售出后还能有源源不断的养分供应,以保证非专业的消费者在家也能养出高品质的花卉
2. 富含各种中、微量元素,能满足植物所有养分需求
3. 配方包含大量海藻有机底料,从而有效地增加了土壤微生物活性
4. 肥料制作成每袋10克小包装,包装袋采用生物降解材料制作,使用时连袋子一同埋入土壤,使用过程简单、清洁
全氮(N) |
20.0% |
镁(Mg) |
0.60% |
铵态氮 |
2.00% |
硫(S) |
5.50% |
硝态氮 |
4.00% |
铜(Cu) |
0.05% |
控释氮 |
14.0% |
铁(Fe) |
1.00% |
有效磷(P2O5) |
10.0% |
锰(Mn) |
0.55% |
可溶性钾(K2O) |
5.00% |
锌(Zn) |
0.50% |
缓释型钾 |
3.70% |
硼(B) |
0.05% |
钙(Ca) |
0.50% |
有机质 |
10.50% |
花盆容积 |
3.8L |
11.4L |
19L |
57L |
肥料用量 |
1袋 |
2袋 |
3袋 |
9袋 |
生长缓慢植物或中等肥力土壤—2袋 |
生长迅速植物或沙地、贫瘠土壤—4袋 |
Best-Paks 20-10-5 DESCRIPTION: A 12 MONTH POLYON® COATED CONTROLLED-RELEASE LANDSCAPE PLANT FOOD. BENEFITS: BEST-PAKS 20-10-5 in a Biodegradable Packet: 1 contains POLYON® coated fertilizers. 2 supplies the nitrogen needed by most plants for one full year. 3 contains an expanded minor and secondary element package. 4 BEST-PAKS are very clean and easy to handle during application. 5 limits the potential of leaching and ground water contamination. APPLICATION GUIDELINES: At Time of Planting: Place paks in backfill to within 15-20 cm (6-8 inches) of soil surface approximately 2.5 cm (1 inch) from the root ball. On plants of 19 liters (5 gallon size) and larger, it is acceptable to place an additional pak in the bottom. Maintenance Feeding: Determine the number of paks required from the rate schedules below. Punch the appropriate number of holes 15-20 cm (6-8inches) deep into the soil around the dripline. Place one pak per hole, cover and irrigate. APPLICATION RATES: Use as Planting Paks: 3.8 L (1 Gal.) 19 L (5 Gal.) 57 L (15 Gal.) 1 PAK 3 PAKS 9 PAKS Use in Feeding Established Plants: Trees, Shrubs, Perennials Number of paks to apply per 1.25 cm (½ inch) of trunk diameter or for each 30-45 cm (1-1½ ft.) of plant height. Slow Growing Plants in fair to good soil—2 Paks,Fast Growing Plants or Plants in sandy or poor soil—4 Paks APPLICATION PRECAUTIONS: DO NOT EXCEED RECOMMENDED APPLICATION RATES. GUARANTEED MINIMUM ANALYSIS: TOTAL NITROGEN (N).................................................................................................................... 20.00% 2.00% Ammoniacal Nitrogen 4.00% Water Soluble Organic Urea Nitrogen 0.50% Water Insoluble Nitrogen 13.50% Coated Slow Release Urea Nitrogen AVAILABLE PHOSPHORIC ACID (P2O5) ......................................................................................... 10.00% SOLUBLE POTASH (K2O)* ................................................................................................................. 5.00% Calcium (Ca) ........................................................................................................................................... 0.50% Magnesium (Mg) ..................................................................................................................................... 0.60% Sulfur (S) ................................................................................................................................................. 5.50% Boron (B) .................................................................................................