永达堂强力四季平安油 |
四季平安油四大特点 (二)气味芬芳,犹如深谷幽兰。??青香,格外提神。绝无市面一般药油含有恶臭的药味。 (三)装璜精美玲珑,美观而高贵,携带方便。更为一般尚场所中的仕女们所乐于采用。 (四)居家旅行、学校、工厂、山区、矿场、壀处乡村。及公共场所。或于半夜三更,猝遇急症,求医非易。请即服用王牌万能精确能药到病除,有意想不到之奇效。诚大众必备之良药。实个人护身之至宝也。 适应﹕精神困倦、头晕目昡、舟车晕浪、头痛牙痛、痾呕肚痛、心胃气痛、寒热伤风、发冷发热、寒咳热咳、痰咳气喘、小儿惊风、小儿肚痛、风湿骨痛、肌肉痳痹、无名肿毒、皮肤燥痒、蚊虫咬伤、头皮痕痒、汤火刀伤、咸粒热疿、雀班暗疮。 规格︰每瓶30毫升 外用忌食 The handy medicated oil for every household. It is so convenient to carry. It has many effective uses. A few drops will work wonders. It is effective for both adults and children. And it's low in price. Seasons Fafe Oil consists of valuable ingredients in accurate proportion. It is pure in colour, pleasant in taste and entirely free from drastic substance. A few drops taken internally is pleasant and soothing: the oil is mild and yet effective in action and is suitable for both adult and children. It is an indispensible medicine for home, tavel, estates and mines Indication: 1. Not to be taken internally. 2. Before applying medicine, reduce fracture or dislocations first. 3. For children of application should be proportionally reduced. In order to avoid overstimulation of skin and inflammation. For adults, also follow the above directions accordingly. 4. In case of open wound, bleeding must be stopped first. Then rub with this medicine around the wound. Never rub into the wound. 5. Never bandage the wounded area tightly, in order to prevent disturbance of circulation and blisterformation. 产品编号﹕WT041 售价︰28元(人民币)(网上订购)
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