三鞭*** |
唐朝未年,本丸曾疗愈宗皇帝之衰萎***,由廿是原方珍藏大内。其后御医辗转流,为本堂先祖所得,依方配制自由,并馈赠亲友,无不视同瑰宝。清末民初,先大父悬壸京华,曾此丸面世,惟炼制需时,未克大量供应,非时下贵颢,无法定购,南方人仕,更鲜享用机会。大陆易,携同原方,流徒海,为徇友好要求,并适应社会需要,特设厂制兑,使此汉?奇珍,造福人群。 本丸乃采自数十余种多贵汉药之精华,根据古法泡制而成,其***直如雷霆万钧,用以救弱,无弱不兴,用以疗虚,无虚不固,亏损者服之,有若枯木逢春,久旱甘雨;纵至萎靡不振,缺乏人生乐趣者,连服本丸七天,无不衰者立强,病者立起!顽廉懦立,逸兴遄飞,步履轻快,且能防亏损,补***增体力,弭***,收固神***之功,益寿延年之效。 本品自面世以来,风行世界各地,至今享誉百余年,******,凭借本丸得离病苦者,何止千万,故广受中外人仕享誉为救肾扶阳真广嗣金丹也。惠顾诸君,请速试之,方知所言不谬也。 人之有肾,犹树之有根;血之清浊,体之虫弱,惟肾頼。盖肾为全体枢纽,总揆五脏六腑,四支百骸,血脉所归,精神所系,故欲求身体强健者,必先求身体强健者,必先求健肾之根夬;则元阳既固,即可荣养全身矣。
***之主要功能 介绍﹕ 功能﹕益精***、固本培元。 适应﹕肾寒精冷、虚劳体衰、面色萎黄、腰膝酸软、力不从心、元气失调、******、加强持久、精神不振。 服用方法﹕***每日二次,每次服一瓶、身体极虚,可日服三次,用温水送服,速见成效。 禁忌﹕***发热忌服或遵医嘱。 贮藏﹕密封、置于阴凉干燥处。 规格﹕每盒24瓶 SEA DOG PILLS is a secret prescription formulated in the Tong dynasty with a history of several centruries. Clinic tests h***e proved it as effective drung for curing hypoplasia of the genetalia, hyposexuality, impotence, premature ejaculation, sterile, weakening mentality and premature senile. This prescription includes precious tonic heros such as pilose antler, ginseng, sea horse, isinglass, etc.. Which will replenish the semen, nourish the genuine essence, enrich the marrow, reinforce the heart and the spleen, strengthen the tendon and the bone, and thus lead all the other ingredients of the perscription to cencentrate and stimulate the vital essence and vital energy so to bring up the Yin and Yanf energies and strengthen the secretion of the sexual glands and the fuction of the male genital. Talking this tonic for 7 days, one can find oneself possessing a high complexion and ***ooth skin, and is warm in links, good in appetite, brisky in paces and clear in speech - all dem***trating the preliminary effects of the tonic. C***tant taking of this mild tonic makes one energetic, brings one back to one's sexual life and promises longevity without any effect. Functi*** : Replenish the semen, reinforce the kideny and spleen, bring up the Yin and Yang energies and strenghten the function of the male genital. Indicati*** : Impotence, improper erectness, premature ejacultion, emission, sterile, polyyuria at night, debility of the lumbus and kness, dizziness and tinnitus, premature senile, weakening mentality. Direction : 1 bottle each times, two times daily. To be taken with warm water. For the serious patients will be taken thrice daily.
Packing : 24 bottles in one box. This medicine must be kept in dry and cool places. 永达堂「三鞭***」产品已通过香港标准及检定中心(The Hong Kong Standa*** and Testing Centre Ltd.) 测试报告(Testing Report)为合格产品。
认清商标,提防*** |