型号: GSGS001
我们可以从新的Pantone Goe色彩体系里的Pantone GoeGuide色卡来选择、交流这2058种新的专色。均标有彩通Goe系统(PANTONE Goe™ System)的独有编号,本色卡包含的2058种颜色都被印刷在光面铜版纸上,并提供***的专色的比对分量和百分比油墨混合配方及RGB比例。此系列色卡包含PMS中40%的色号。但是这些颜色已经按照Goe的命名规则重新命名。Goe是对PMS的补充与扩展。
Together, these invaluable guides help you to:
· preview how paper stock will affect a color's appearance
· select and specify Goe Colors on coated or uncoated stock
· create optimal display of Goe Colors on monitors and Web pages
For color selection within Adobe Creative Suite programs, package includes download access to the PANTONE Goe uncoated digital library.
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