产品编号: TDL-021
Serial Number:TDL-021
用 途: 适用于外保温系统的建筑面层装饰,用以替代涂料或面砖,可广泛适用于各种新旧建筑物内外墙装饰。
Function:used to the finish layer of the building of the External Thermal Insulation System as an alternative to paint or ceramic tile, can widely used to decorate internal and external walls of old or new buildings.
产品介绍: 本产品采用进口柔性聚合物材料作为主要添加剂,配以优质无机材料和天然矿物质颜料精制而成,具有如下特点:
Product Introductions: made of high quality inorganic materials and natural mineral pigments with imported flex polymer as chief additive. Advantages as follows:
●The integration of anti-crack layer and decoration layer, cost efficiency;
●Texture and natural color, weatherproofing;
●High mechanical strength, crack resistance, waterproof and ventilative property;
●耐沾污能力强、 施工便捷,无毒、无害、安全、环保
●Dirt resistance, easy handling, no toxicity, no hazard, environmental friendliness.
项目 |
性能 |
与 EPS 板的粘结力 |
常温常态,MPa |
≥ 0.10 |
浸水7天后,MPa |
≥ 0.10 |
外观 |
单组分,膏糊状 |
Technical Specifications:
Items |
Specification |
Adhesion strength with EPS board |
Normal temperature,normal conditions, MPa |
≥ 0.10 |
After soaked in water for 7 days,MPa |
≥ 0.10 |
Appearance |
Single packing, paste |
包装、贮存与运输: 桶装, 25kg/桶;存于阴凉干燥处,保质期6个月;按非危险品运输。
Package, Storage and Transportation: 25kg/barrel, kept in dry, cool place, 6 months’ quality guarantee period, deliver by the way of non-dangerous goods
1. Apply the spraying method. When constructing, firstly brush seal coat, then spray TDL color decoration Mortar with a spraying gun evenly on the work surface. Generally spraying twice, the construction is completed, and the spraying interval is about two hours.
2. Recommended quantity: about 3.5-4kg/m2
1 、施工时应先对基层表面进行清理,保证基层表面干燥洁净、无油污及其它松散物;
1.Clean the surface of substrate to ensure it is clean, dry and free of greasy dirty or other surplus loose things;
2 、砂浆启盖后应在2小时内用完。如砂浆表面结皮应剔去不用,严禁将已干结的砂浆加水混合后使用;
2.The product should be used up within 2 hours. A skin forming on the product should be removed. It is forbidden to use hardened product even if it is mixed with water.
3 、施工温度宜大于5℃以上,风力5级以下,避免雨天施工;在冬施情况下,应采用防冻型砂浆。
3.The favorable application conditions: temperature >5℃, wind force<5, no construction no rainy days; frost-resistant mortar should be used in winter.