1. Applicant’s Product Name ,Model NO., Mailing Address , Phone No.,Fax No., Contact Person & His Title .
2. For tran***itter, the fundamental frequency(Operation within the bands).
3. Applicant’s FCC Registration Number (FRN) FRN网页连接
申请方的FCC注册号码(此为***给予企业的身份识别号,可在http//www.fcc.gov免费申请,在申请后由网站自动生成给企业,共10位数字,NPS Lab协助提供)。
4. FCC ID Number ,including with Grantee Code & Equipment product code .
FCC ID包括Grantee Code 公司代号:3位字母或数字:及产品代号:14位以内字母、数字或中划线. NPS Lab协助提供
5. The label location information . FCC label 位置
6. Operational Description (Theory of Operation, Functional Description).
7. Block Diagrams . 原理方框图
8. Circuit Schematics. 电路图
9. User Manual. 用户手册或使用说明书
10. 完整样机两套