产品名称:JF系列电子天平 所属类别:分析仪器 |
JF系列电子天平 JF/JFA系列精度电子天平,选用新一代电磁式称量传感器,使产品的精度有了可靠保障,高清晰大液晶显示屏,易于观察和适用于各种环境。具有全自动故障检测,自动校准,超载保护计数,百分比,单位转换等功能,操作简便、可靠。内置RS232C接口,可直接连接计算机、打印机等设备。 JF/JFA serial high accuracy electronic balance chooses the new generation electro-magnetic weighing reliably guarantees the product accuracy with the high clarity big liquid crystal display is easy for observation and is suitable for the Each kind of is equipped with the functi*** such as the fully automatic trouble detection,automatic calibration,overload protection&counting,percentage,unit conversion is of the reliable and convenient internally sets RS232C can directly connect with the computer,printer etc.