本公司推陈出新,***新研制的GL系列侧装隔离式洗脱机,能满足严格的无菌、无尘、消毒、防静电洗涤要求。通过侧装式洗衣机和隔离墙将洗衣房分为“洁净区”和“非洁净区”两个***的操作区间。洗涤物由位于“非洁净区”一侧的装料门装入,洗涤完毕后从位于“洁净区”一侧的卸料门取出,加上洁净空气控制系统的作用,可以防止***和尘埃颗粒从“非洁净区”流向“洁净区”,从而避免了洁净洗涤物的二次污染和***;设备采用了触摸屏电脑控制器,控制系统功能强劲,灵活***,自检功能完善,多种常见故障显示,内存多个程序。 本公司生产的GL系列隔离式洗脱机技术***,结构合理,运行经济,维护方便,性能优良,广泛应用于微电子生产、食品医药、***站、***、***等对环境有严格的无尘、无菌要求的洗衣房,是洁净室洗衣房的理想洗涤设备。本系列有30KG、50KG、100KG等型号供客户选择。 Our newly designed GL series isotating type of washing and de-watering machines meet the requirement of gem-free,dusT-free, anti-static washing needs . With the isolating type of washing equipment and isolating wall,it divides the laundry room into two separate independent operating areas,via:“Clean”area and “Non-clean”area. Launderettes will be loaded into the washing machine through the door from the “Non-clean”room side .After washing,unloading will be from the “ Non-clean”room polluting the “clean”room .Thus it prevents the clean launderette from being contaminated and get infected again. Device using a touch screen computer controller, robust control system functi***, flexible and professional, comprehensive self-test function, a variety of common fault display, multiple programs. They are widely used by hospital,food and pharmaceutical factories,nuclear power plants etc where extreme dust and gem-free environmental requirement for laundry room are needed .it is the ideal laundry equipment for such situation. |