The original PC/104 bus has done a great job of
supporting the 16-bit ISA standard. However, certain
applicati*** require greater throughput. Therefore,
PC/104-Plus was defined and standardized. It is the
32-bit standard migrated from the desktop to the
embedded world while still offering the same
PC/104-Plus is a PCI implementation on a stackable
board while maintaining the 3.6" x 3.8" form factor.
PC/104-Plus modules can also include original
PC/104 connectors to allow the most system
configuration flexibility. A third connector opposite
the PC/104 connectors supports the PCI bus.
Basically the electrical specificati*** of the PC/104-
Plus bus are compliant with the PCI signals, except
64-bit extensi***, JTAG, PRSNT or CLKRUN
signals. According to the specificati*** of PC/104-
Plus, PC/104-Plus modules are installed and
configured by switching CLK, IDSEL, INT, REQ and
GNT signals through multiplexers to the appropriate
connecti***. Rotary switch on ADLINK PCM-xxxx+
is used for these signals switching.