邦飞利减速机有限公司成立于1956年,***生产齿轮减速电机、行星齿轮减速机、电动机和变频器,是意大利***大的齿轮减速机制造商,在动力传输和控制领域享有国际盛誉。 邦飞利的总部位于意大利博罗尼亚市,在意大利有7个生产和组装厂,并在17个***建有***,它的销售网络遍及***。 邦飞利的根本理念是为客户提供***满意的产品质量。它把所有的生产活动都纳入到质量控制体系,以确保每一个过程都按ISO9001:2000标准执行。 值得邦飞利引以为豪的是,公司是***个从两个不同的国际***认证机构Det Norske Veritas和TUV获得质量体系证书的欧洲公司。
VF: Bonfiglioli蜗轮蜗杆减速电机 W: Bonfiglioli蜗轮蜗杆减速电机 W VF-EP:用于特殊环境的减速电机 C: Bonfiglioli同轴式斜齿轮减速电机 S: 单级传动斜齿轮减速电机 A - RAO: 斜齿轮-锥齿轮减速电机 RAN: 单级螺旋锥齿轮减速电机 RAP: 平行轴式齿轮减速电机 TA: 平行轴式齿轮减速电机 F: 平行轴式齿轮减速电机 300: 工业用行星齿轮减速电机 RVS: 旋转限位装置 AS: 同轴式斜齿轮减速电机 BN: Bonfiglioli交流电机 BS: 单相电机 BC: 直流电机 BCS: 直流伺服电机 NFF: 离合制动器
Bonfiglioli was incorporated in 1956 by Clementino Bonfiglioli to meet the growing demand from the mechanical engineering industry for spare parts and precision components for agricultural machinery and motorcycles, both flourishing market segments at that time in the Bologna area. In subsequent years the company went on to manufacture a range of new gearboxes entirely designed in every detail, initially supplying them to firms in the Bologna district operating in the packaging sector and gradually extending sales to businesses throughout the whole of Italy. Today the company has production plants and branches in 14 countries, with a global workforce of more than 2500 and a turnover in excess of Euro 610 million.