除尘器是一种把粉尘从烟气中分离出来除尘设备。除尘器的性能用可处理的气体量、气体通过除尘器时的阻力损失和除尘效率来表达。同时,除尘器的价格、运行和维护费用、使用寿命长短和操作管理的难易也是考虑其性能的重要因素。现在工业中用的比较多的是袋式除尘器。金龙除尘公司产品,品种质量均处于国内同行业***水平。除尘器,除尘配件,液下泵,除尘设备,布袋除尘器,滤袋,框架,专用配件脉冲控制仪,螺杆泵,电磁阀,电气控制柜、卸料机、吊挂、文氏管等产品,广泛应用于国内大中型企业。 除尘器的主要用途:除尘器是锅炉及工业生产中常用的设施.
除尘器选型需要考虑的因素:1、处理风量,处理风量是指除尘设备在单位时间内所能净化气体的体积量。单位为每小时立方米(m3/h)或每小时标立方米(Nm3/h)。是袋式除尘器设计中***重要的因素之一。2、使用温度对于袋式除尘器来说,其使用温度取决于两个因素,***是滤料的***高承受温度,第二是气体温度必须在***温度以上。3、入口含尘浓度,即入口粉尘浓度,这是由扬尘点的工艺所决定的,在设计或选择袋式除尘器时,它是仅次于处理风量的又一个重要因素。The dust remover shaping needs to c***ider factor: 1st, the processing amount of wind, the processing amount of wind is refers to the dedusting equipment in unit of time to be able the gas sweetening volume quantity. The unit is each hour cubic meter (m3/h) or each ***all time indice cubic meter (Nm3/h). Is in the bag type dust remover design one of most important factors. 2nd, the application temperature regarding the bag type dust remover, its application temperature is decided by two factors, first is filters the material the highest withstanding temperature, second is the gas temperature must above the dew-point temperature. 3rd, entrance including dust density, namely entrance dust loading, this is by raises, when design which or choice bag type dust remover a dust craft decided that it is only inferior to processing amount of wind another important attribute. 公司网站采用速贝CMS构建,可以更好的获得搜索引擎的排名,扩大企业的知名度。