钢格栅板又叫钢格板,钢格栅,格栅板,是用扁钢按照一定的间距和横杆进行交叉排列,并且焊接成中间带有方形格子的一种钢铁制品,主要用来做水沟盖板,钢结构平台板,钢梯的踏步板等。横杆一般采用经过扭绞的方钢。The steel standard net is called the steel frame, the steel grill, the standard net, is carries on the overlapping arrangement with the flat steel according to certain spacing and the cross rod, and welds among has the square shape check one kind of steel and iron product, mainly uses for to make the drainage lap, the steel structure even platen, the steel ladder treads the boa***alk and so on. The cross rod uses generally after twist joint's Fang Gang. 河北安平久源钢格板金属网业是安平机器焊接钢格板***早的生产公司之一,产品主要有:混凝土布料机、钢格板、公路护栏网、铁路护栏网、砼泵配件、框网、机场护栏、防眩网护栏、集电器、美格网护栏、浸塑电焊网、隔离栅及防风抑尘网、钢筋焊接网等。公司拥有***的大型自动电脑程控压阻焊机,齐全***的检测设备和精湛的加工工艺。
钢格栅板的生产标准,中国为2007年***新版钢格板标准YB/T4001.1-2007标准;另外美国,英国,澳大利亚和新西兰也有其各自标准。钢材标准按照GB700-88,GB1220-92。The company has the advanced large-scale automatic computer program control resistance welding machine, complete specialized check-out facility and exquisite processing craft. the steel standard net uses the carbon steel manufacture generally, semblance pot galvanize, may play prevents oxidized the role. May also use the stainless steel manufacture. The steel standard net has ventilates, the natural lighting, radiates, skid prevention, performance and so on explosion-proof. the steel standard net's production standard, China is in 2007 the most update steel frame standard YB/T4001.1-2007 standard; Moreover the US, Britain, Australia and New Zealand also h***e its respective standard. Steel products standard according to GB700-88, GB1220-92. 久源钢格板生产的产品种类众多,可根据客户要求的不同环境,不同承载力、跨度、形状和颜色以及成本造价,为客户设计、生产制造。“诚信经营,***”为宗旨,愿与新老客户建立良好的贸易关系,互惠互利,精诚合作,共创美好未来!