踏步板又名梯踏板,我公司生产的踏步板(梯踏板)根据有无前护板和与梯梁联接方式有四种形式,表示为T1,T2,T3,T4。Treads the boa***alk other name ladder footboard, whether there is before does Our company produce treads the boa***alk (ladder footboard) to act according to, the guard shield and to join the way with ladder Liang to h***e four forms, the expression is T1, T2, T3, T4. 河北安平久源钢格板金属网业是安平机器焊接钢格板***早的生产公司之一,产品主要有:钢格板、机电配件、公路护栏网、铁路护栏网、电阻器、框网、机场护栏、防眩网护栏、布料机、美格网护栏、浸塑电焊网、隔离栅及防风抑尘网、高压橡胶管、钢筋焊接网等。公司拥有***的大型自动电脑程控压阻焊机,齐全***的检测设备和精湛的加工工艺。
踏步板公差:宽度W&plu***n;3mm,长度L-3mm。The company has the advanced large-scale automatic computer program control resistance welding machine, complete specialized check-out facility and exquisite processing craft. c***idered from the economical angle that suggested uses the modulus width (series 1 to use as far as possible 125, 155, 185, 215, 245, 275, series 2 use 125, 165, 205, 245, 275mm and so on) is the 100mm multiple length (for example 500, 600, 700, 800, 900, 1000, 1200mm and so on). treads the boa***alk common difference: Width W&plu***n;3mm, length L-3mm. 久源钢格板生产的产品种类众多,可根据客户要求的不同环境,不同承载力、跨度、形状和颜色以及成本造价,为客户设计、生产制造。“诚信经营,***”为宗旨,愿与新老客户建立良好的贸易关系,互惠互利,精诚合作,共创美好未来!