铁路护栏网是重要的交通基础设施,安全性与实用性在要求上更加的严格。主要用于铁路道路两侧隔离防护。The railroad guard rail net is the important transportation infrastructure, the security and the usability in the request even more strict. Mainly uses in the railroad path both sides isolation protection. 河北安平久源钢格板金属网业是安平机器焊接钢格板***早的生产公司之一,产品主要有:钢格栅、钢格板、公路护栏网、集电环、铁路护栏网、框网、沟盖板、机场护栏、防眩网护栏、臂架管、美格网护栏、浸塑电焊网、隔离栅及防风抑尘网、钢筋焊接网等。公司拥有***的大型自动电脑程控压阻焊机,齐全***的检测设备和精湛的加工工艺。
选材:优质低碳钢丝、铝镁合金丝 。
1.立柱采用混凝土浇筑件,工程造价低 ,
2.强度高 整体稳定性好,
4.网围界整体和谐 美观,
5.铁路封闭 高速公路护栏 开发区围界 场区围网。Selection: High quality iron wire, aluminum magnesium alloy silk. knitting: Arranges welds becomes; The cellular texture succinct, is advantageous for the transportation, the installment not the hypsography limit, regarding the mountainous region, the land on slopes, the curved region compatibility is specially greatly strengthened. merit: the 1. column uses the concretes c***truction, the building cost of projects is low, the 2. intensity high overall stability is good, 3. colored models the level to h***e the good corrosion resistance and the decoration effect, the 4. net encircles the whole harmoniously artistic, the 5. railroad seal highway guard rail development zone encircles the field area circle net 久源钢格板生产的产品种类众多,可根据客户要求的不同环境,不同承载力、跨度、形状和颜色以及成本造价,为客户设计、生产制造。“诚信经营,***”为宗旨,愿与新老客户建立良好的贸易关系,互惠互利,精诚合作,共创美好未来!