工厂隔离栅具有耐腐蚀、抗老化、耐酸碱、不退色、表面平整、光亮、耐侯等特点。防风、防雨,无论当地气候、地理、自然条件多么恶劣都能保证使用寿命长。工厂隔离栅通过专用螺栓连接件与网柱连接,刚度和美观较好,深受广大客户青睐。The factory isolation grid has, the anti-aging, to bear the acid and alkali, not to fade anti-corrosive, the surfacing, luminously, to bear characteristics and so on marquis. Windproof, rainproof, regardless of the local climate, the geography, the natural condition are bad can guarantee that the service life is long. Factory isolation grid through special-purpose bolt bridge piece and net column connection, rigidity and artistic good, depth general customer f***or. 河北安平久源钢格板金属网业是安平机器焊接钢格板***早的生产公司之一,产品主要有:钢格栅、钢格板、公路护栏网、集电环、铁路护栏网、框网、沟盖板机场护栏、防眩网护栏、美格网护栏、浸塑电焊网、臂架管、隔离栅及防风抑尘网、钢筋焊接网等。公司拥有***的大型自动电脑程控压阻焊机,齐全***的检测设备和精湛的加工工艺。
1. 材质:Q 235低碳冷拔钢丝
2.丝经:4.5mm --5mm
3.网孔:60mm X 150mm(长方孔)
5.***大尺寸: 1.8m X 3m.Factory isolation grid material: High quality iron wire, stainless steel wire, galvanization silk, aluminum alloy. anticorrosion form: The cold galvanizing, pot galvanize, pvc soaks models, the plastic spurts models. factory isolation grid structure: Is isolation network which becomes with the cold draw iron wire welding, is fixed with the connection appendix and the steel pipe prop. factory isolation grid product specification: 1. Material quality: Q 235 low-carbon cold draw steel wire 2. thrown silk: 4.5mm - - 5mm 3. mesh: 60mm X 150mm (long square edged orifice) 4. antiseptic treatment: The hot dipping models the 5. greatest size: 1.8m X 3m