

所在地区:广东 深圳



产品编号:2686152                    更新时间:2020-08-14
价格: ¥400.00


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HD FURY PRO是一款为:老式LCD-TV,CRT,三枪投影机,DLP\LCD投影机,以及没有HDMI接口的各种显示设备,HD FURY PRO将为这些设备提供***无损的HDMI信号转换,以致完成数字向模拟信号的0损失桥接。


















电源电压:直流DC5V(切忌不要将高于5V的电源插入HDfury Pro电源孔)

产品附件:HDfury Pro主机一台、电源适配器一个、说明书一份、YPBPR线一条、音频线一条



1:HDfury Pro是个什么产品?

——HDfury Pro是一款为只有VGA或者YPBPR接口的显示设备,桥接HDMI设备的高清视频转换器。HDMI通过HDfury Pro以后,转换成VGA或者YPBPR的高清晰信号,通过显示设备的接口重现影像。

2:HDfury Pro的显示效果和市场是的VGA-BOX有什么区别?哪个更好?

Q:HDfury Pro是专门针对***用户或者发烧级用户而设计开发的产品,只局限于高清影音系统里,因此,HDfury Pro追求的是***的显示效果,追求的是高清的享受,而不是和普通VGA-BOX那样追求价格,不注重高清的本质,那个更好,不用说了。

3:HDfury Pro和市场上的HDMI转VGA/YPBPR的线材有什么区别?

Q:市场上有不少HDMI转VGA的线材,或者转YPBPR的线材,且里面带有芯片处理,但是,是不是带有芯片就一定是好东西呢?NO。HDfury Pro采用的是国际***大型芯片设计公司设计的***的HDMI芯片,而不是山寨电视机里面用的低端低成本的HDMI***芯片。HDfury Pro里面的YPBPR输出芯片,采用世界***为***的三电平同步处理技术,这是这些转换线材或者同类产品无法做到的(该芯片价格极高,这让很多把利益放在***位的商家望而止步)。

4:HDfury Pro和市场上价格昂贵的HDfury2有什么区别,为什么HDfury2价格这么高?

Q:HDfury Pro和HDfury2相比,输入端多一路HDMI接口,因为现在有多台HDMI设备的人比比皆是;输出端采用的处理方式不一样,HDfury Pro采用分离的处理集成电路,HDfury2采用一颗芯片完成VGA和YPBPR输出功能(这个可以这样解释:HDMI传输为什么要用差分19针座子传送,而YPBPR为什么只用Y/PB/PR三条线传输?因为高清的信号频率极高,如果把信号放在一起,容易产生相互辐***扰,影响画质;同样,在VGA和YPBPR输出中,传输的都是HDMI输入进来的高速高频率的信号,如果放在一起,肯定要产生不必要的串扰,纵然是增加成本,如果是发烧产品,或者***产品,一定是要分开;如果单从产品成本的角度考虑,肯定用一颗芯片更经济,利润更大)。价格方面,两个原因:***、HDfury Pro之所以那么便宜,是因为设计师不是一个单纯的商人,更希望有更多的人能用上HDfury Pro;第二、HDfury2因为采用很老的芯片,目前已经停产多年,原厂不再供货,只能通过市场上购买积压货或者旧货,物以稀为贵,当然成本自然增加,所以售价很高。

5:HDfury Pro为什么需要外接电源?而HDfury2则可以不用电源?

Q:HDfury Pro采用的是真正的高清视频信号处理芯片,既然是高清晰的信号,运行起来肯定需要好散功率,为什么电脑CPU会发热严重,为什么微软的XBOX360会屡次三红,就是因为他里面芯片内核工作频率高,运行速度快,同样,1080P的数字高清信号在芯片里面运行,不发热或者不耗电,那才真是稀奇的事情呢?除非........这就是一个***产品和一个普通产品之间的差距。

6:HDfury Pro的HDCP采用什么样的存放方式?

HDfury Pro的HDCP采用芯片内置的方式,确保一颗芯片一个HDCP编码,因为内置,就让那些逃避叫HDCP专利费的人翻版盗用,同时,因为一对一的编码,不会造成因为HDCP盗版而无法让HDMI内部的高清晰影音画质受到影响。


简单的解释:可以兼容不同设备的YPBPR接口,三电平同步让HDfuru Pro兼容性独领***。


The advent of HDTV has brought a number of new concepts and technologies with it. One of the concepts put into practice is tri-level sync. Tri-level sync solves some traditional problems found with bi-level sync. Although tri-level sync is preferable with the new television system, we still find ourselves interfacing to systems capable of handling only bi-level sync. Therefore, the need exists to convert from tri-level to bi-level sync on occasion. This Tech Corner will acquaint the reader with the new tri-level sync format and its relati***hip to bi-level sync.

Bi-Level Sync

Bi-level sync has been the standard synchronization signaling method for all forms of video including computer video, composite video, S-video, and component video. Bi-level refers to two levels. For sync, this means a pulse h***ing two voltage levels (a high and low level, relatively speaking), hence the name. Systems using bi-level sync are edge triggered. Typically, the negative-going, leading edge of the pulse triggers the synchronization process (Figure 1). Display systems must "look" for this negative going edge in order to identify the moment in time when to re-sync the raster scan process. Most will recall that computer graphic ca*** sometimes output positive-going sync. Positive-going sync signal the display that the graphics line rate has changed to a new format.

Looking for the sync pulse has always been one of the "trickiest" of tasks for the display signal processor. It requires careful biasing of the sync processing circuitry so that the sync pulse is made as distinguishable as possible from the other voltage levels within the video signal. As part of the video signal, bi-level sync introduces an unwanted DC component (Figure 2). In processing of composite, S-video, or component video the DC component is not too troublesome and can easily be managed as part of the normal sync separation routine. When bi-level sync is introduced onto RGB video channels, the process is more complex. In some systems, sync is introduced on the green channel only. This requires that the sync separation process be ultra clean; in most cases, however, it is not. Usually a very narrow sync pulse remains.

Residual sync results from incomplete removal of the sync information from a video processing channel. Sync is typically imposed on the green channel in RGsB systems. High definition component video signals contain sync on each channel. Depending on the performance characteristics of the DC restoration circuitry within the video processing channel, some or all of the sync pulse may not be removed from the green channel. Residual sync causes the green channel to bias incorrectly with respect to red and blue at the display CRT, thus causing a color shift. Even in RGB systems where sync is introduced on all three channels, there is some difficulty with maintaining c***istent processing between the three channels. Again, ***all DC shifts in the black level caused by residual sync can disturb the color balance or gains of the video channels.

A significant amount of power is used by the broadcast tran***itter to send the sync pulse. Polarity of the video signal is designed to minimize the amount of power used to tran***it sync. And, while we h***e not tran***itted analog versi*** of high definition television terrestrially, early testing done during HDTV development dem***trated a need to improve the management of synchronization in the new television system. Tri-level sync eliminates the DC component and provides a more robust way to identify the coming of synchronization in the signal chain.

Tri-Level Sync

Tri-level sync was introduced with the ***PTE 240 analog HDTV standard. Previous to that, the early HDTV 1125/60 systems used various synchronization w***eforms, as provided by various 1125/60 equipment manufacturers. The creators of the later ***PTE 240 HDTV standard searched for a standard sync w***eform that would ensure system compatibility. The goal was to provide more precise synchronization and relative timing of the three component video signals. HDTV component video has sync present on all three channels: Y, Pb, and Pr. In addition, the sync structure needs to be resilient enough to endure multigenerational recording and other noisy situati***. Tri-level sync met the requirements.

Figure 3shows a graphic representation of a tri-level sync signal. As defined by the ***PTE 240 standard, the pulse will start at the zero volts (specified black level) and first transiti*** negative, to -300 mV (+/- 6 mV). After a specified period, it transiti*** positive + 300 mV (+/- 6 mV), holds for a specified period and then returns to zero or black level. The display system "looks" for the zero crossing of the sync pulse. Each half of the tri-level sync pulse is defined to be 44 samples (reference clock periods) wide, for a total sync pulse width of 88 samples. The rise time is defined to be four samples wide +/- 1.5 samples.

This symmetry of design results in a net DC value of zero volts. This is one major advantage of tri-level sync. This solves the problem of a bi-level signal introducing a DC component into the video signal. The elimination of DC offset makes signal processing easier. Within our new digital television system, the unique excursi*** of the sync derive numerical values that are easily coded and easily recognized within the digital tran***ission channel.



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