公司多年专营国内外多种研发\专用型编程器、大型全自动芯片拷贝机、IC编带机及附属烧录座等***烧录设备及烧写器配件,编程器烧写芯片所使用的SOIC, PLCC, TSOP, SSOP,TQFP, QFN, MLF, BGA等封装的转接座、烧录座。高精密IC老化测试插座、适配座。可代设计定做专用、冷偏门烧录座、IC测试座。
ataman 48Pro2 Super Fast Universal ISP Programmer
Super fast universal 48-pin chip programmer with ISP capabilities and USB 2.0 connectivity. Dataman 48Pro2 can program without the need for a family-specific module, giving you the *** to choose the optimal device for your design.。。。。。。
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