1. EN 1335-1 Office furniture - office work chair - Part 1: Determinati*** of dimensi*** 办公家具 - 办公椅 - 尺寸要求
2. EN 1335-2 office furniture - office work chair - safety requirements & EN 1335 - 3 office furniture - office work chair - safety test method 办公家具 - 办公椅 - 安全要求和测试方法
3. BS 5459-1: 1977 Specification for Performance Requirements and Tests for Office Furniture, Part 1: Desks and Tables 办公桌性能要求的检查和测试 Note: BS 5459-1:1977 has been replaced by EN 527-3:2003
4. BS 5459-2: 2000 Specification for Performance Requirements and Tests for Office Furniture Part 2: Office Pedestal Seating for Use by Pers*** Weighing up to 150kg and for Use up to 24 Hours a Day, Including Type-approval Test for Individual Components 办公椅性能要求的检查和测试
5. BS 5459-3 :1983 Performance Requirements and Tests for Office Furniture---- Part 3: Storage Furniture 办公家具 - 橱柜 - 性能要求及测试 Note: BS 5459-3:1983 has been replaced by EN 14074-2:2004
6. BS EN 527-1:2000 Office Furniture - Work Tables and Desks - Part 1: Dimensi*** 办公家具 - 工作台及桌子 - ***部分:尺寸
7. BS EN 527-3:2003 Office Furniture - Work Tables and Desks - Part 3: Methods of test for the determination of the stability and the mechanical strength of the structure 办公家具 - 工作台及桌子 - 第三部分:稳定性及结构的机械强度的测试方法
8. BS EN 13761:2002 Office Furniture - Visitor Chairs 办公家俱 - 接待椅
9. EN 14073:2004 Office furniture — Storage furniture 办公家具-储存家具
10. EN 14074:2004 Office furniture — Tables and desks and storage furniture — Test methods for the determination of strength and durability of moving parts 办公家具-桌子和储存家具-可移动部件的强度及耐久性测试