伊美黛-----***收緊素 其獨一***二的***配方,市面同類***產品***可比擬。
適 合: 服任何******後出現肌膚鬆馳入仕,***純性肥胖,青春期肥胖,產後肥胖,收緊腰、腹、臀、頸、大腿、手臂等全身肌膚等。
適 合: 服任何******後出現肌膚鬆馳入仕,***純性肥胖,青春期肥胖,產後肥胖,收緊腰、腹、臀、頸、大腿、手臂等全身肌膚等。
功 效: 提升,結實及美顏作用,***門針對***及產後皮膚和肌肉的鬆馳下垂,提高身體***力,令血中脂肪下降,令體態輕盈,容光煥***,令肌膚回******性,達到美容修身的效果。
服用方法: 早餐前服用4粒。
建議: 每日8杯水以上。
主要成份: 烏梅、芡實、茯苓、***、山***、決明子、麥芽,人參等天然提取物。
注意事項: 嚴重的心***病,兒童,孕婦及16歲以下人士不適用,酗酒及飲濃茶者效果緩慢。
儲 存: 請存放於幹涼***,避免***光直接照射。
IMELDA Perfect slim
Uniqe specially. Good effect,it cannot compare with same kingds of health care profuct.
It will appear flab after took any medicine of reduce weight, simple obesity, adolescence obesity and
abdominal fatness,it reduces waist,abdomen,stern,neck,arm,whole body,etc
Improving, Firming and Whitening your skin,it should be specialized contrapose in flab of skin and sarcous for reducing weight and post partum ,It can improve immunity, decreasethe fat in hemoaccess ,it can make you lifhtness posture and revert elasticity, It will be aglow with health beam,and achieve the best effect of cultivat your morality.
How to take: 4 Capsules before breakfast in morning. Our suggestion: Drink 8 glasses of water or baove in everyday.
Main Contents: The main content includes Ebony, Fox-nut, Tuckahoe,Semen Pruni,Dioscoreae, Wheat Germ, Nature Substance.
Precauti***: For those patients with serious heart disease, thyroid, pregnant women and under 16-year-old are inapplicability. Slow effect if the person who is bibulous or interest in the thickest tea.
Compliance with WHO standard