ZVR 4G网络分析仪罗德与施瓦茨10Hz4GHz的详细介绍
长期|出租|回收|维修|销售|收购:网络分析仪,频谱分析仪,LCR电桥,无线电综合测试仪,信号源,色差仪, 色彩分析仪,变压器测试仪,示波器,音频分析仪,视频分析仪,万用表,蓝牙测试仪,电声测试仪,电子负载、频率计、GPIB卡,PCI-GPIB卡、GPIB-USB-B、功率计线材测试机等仪器
QQ:632292909 邮箱:ranlc75@
Rohde&Schwarz ZVR 4G网络分析仪罗德与施瓦茨10Hz4GHz R&S ZVR 4G矢量网络分析仪|R&S|9KHz至4GHz
厂商名称:德国罗德与施瓦茨Rohde&Schwarz R&S
·Data only for 50Ωtest sets.For 75Ωtest sets and further details please refer to data sheet PD 757.1802.23.Unless otherwise stated,specifications apply to test ports PORT 1 and PORT2,a nominal source power of -10dBm at the test port and an IF bandwidth≤10kHz
·The arrow marks important data.
·Frequency range,measurement speed,dynamicrange
·Frequency range
·Without External Measurements option
·with passive test set 50Ωor 75Ω|9kHz to4Ghz
·with active test set 50Ωor 75Ω|300kHz to4GHz
·ZVRL,ZVRE,ZVR|10Hz to 4Ghz
·Relative frequencydeviation|<2*10^-6+1*10^-6/a
·Measurement speed(above 2Mhz)
·Number of points|1 to 2001(selectable)
·Measurement time per point|IFbandwidth(IFBW)
3kHz |
10kHz |
26kHz |
with systemerrorcorrection |
<1.50μs |
<460μs |
<330μs |
normalized |
<530μs |
<230μs |
<190μs |
FastMode |
withsystemerror correction |
- |
- |
<240μs |
normalized |
- |
- |
<125μs |
·Dynamicrange(without system error correction)
·(models ZVRL and ZVRE:at IF bandwidth 10Hzvalues are reduced by 5dB)
IFbandwidth |
With passivetest set50Ω |
10Hz |
3kHz |
10kHz |
20kHzto20MHz |
>65dB, |
- |
- |
200kHz to20MHz |
>110dB |
>90dB |
>85dB |
20MHz to3Ghz |
>120dB |
>100dB |
>95dB |
3Ghz to4Ghz |
>110dB |
>90dB |
>85dB |
With activetest set 50Ω |
300kHz to1Mhz |
>107dB |
>87dB |
>82dB |
1MHz to20MHz |
>110dB |
>90dB |
>85dB |
20MHz to3Ghz |
>120dB |
>100dB |
>95dB |
3Ghz to4Ghz |
>110dB |
>90dB |
>85dB |
With ExternalMeasurements option |
50Hz to200kHz |
>75dB |
- |
- |
200kHzto20MHz |
>110dB |
>95dB |
>90dB |
20MHz to1Ghz |
>130dB |
>110dB |
>105dB |
1Ghz to3Ghz |
>120dB |
>100dB |
>95dB |
3Ghz to4Ghz |
>110dB |
>95dB |
>90dB |
·(mode ZVCE:at IF bandwidth 10Hz values arereduced by 5dB)
·With active test set 50Ω
20kHz to200kHz |
>60dB, |
- |
- |
200kHzto20MHz |
>100dB |
>80dB |
>75dB |
20Mhz to3Ghz |
>120dB |
>100dB |
>95dB |
3Ghz to4Ghz |
>110dB |
>90dB |
>85dB |
4Ghz to6Ghz |
>105dB |
>85dB |
>80dB |
6Ghz to8Ghz |
>100dB |
>80dB |
>75dB |
WithExternal/Measurements option |
20kHz to200kHz |
>75dB |
- |
- |
200kHz to20Mhz |
>110dB |
>95dB |
>90dB |
20MHz to1GHz |
>130dB |
>110dB |
>105dB |
1Ghz to3Ghz |
>120dB |
>100dB |
>95dB |
3Ghz to4Ghz |
>110dB |
>95dB |
>90dB |
4GHz to6GHz |
>105dB |
>90dB |
>85dB |
6Ghz to8GHz |
>100dB |
>85dB |
>80dB |
Stability ofmeasurement trace |
Measurementbandwidth |
(IFbandwidthIFBW) |
1Hz to 10kHz(half-decadesteps ) |
·The following data are validbetween20℃and30℃provided the instrument has reached thermal equilibrium (about 1 h after switch-on)and the tempera-ture has not varied by more than 1 degree after calibration.
·ZVRE and ZVR(bidirectional networkanalyzers)
·Accuracy of transmission measurementsafter full two-part system error cor-rection(TOSM)
·Specificaitons are based on a matched DUTand refer to a nominal source power of -10dBm at the test port.
·With test set 50Ω
·300kHz to 4Ghz
·at IF bandwidth 10Hz
·for+10dB to +3dB|<1dB or 6°
·for+3dB to -5dB|<0.2dB or 1°
·for -5dB to -60dB(passive)|<0.05dB or0.4°
·for-5dB to -60dB(active)|0.2dB or 1°
·for+3dB to -40dB|typ.<0.025dB
·for-60dB to -70dB|<0.2dB or 1°
·for-70dB to -80dB(ZVRE)|<1dB or 6°
·for-70dB to -85dB(ZVR)|<1dB or 6°
·Accuracy of reflection measurements
·after system error correction (TOSM orfull one-port)
·Specificaitons are based on an isolationgDUT and refer to a nominal source power of -10dBm at the testport.
·With test set 50Ω
·It is assumed that the return loss of thematch used for calibration is >46dB(effective systemdata:directivity Deff>46dB,test port match Seff>30dB).
·20kHz to 4Ghz(passive test set),
·300kHz to 4GHz(active test set)
·for+10dB to +3dB|<1dB or 6°
·for+3dB to -15dB|<0.4dB+0.04dB/Ghz,<3°+0.4°/Ghz
·for-15dB to -25dB|<1dB or 6°
·for-25dB to -35dB|<3dB or 20°
·Accuracy of transmission measurements
·after full two-part system errorcorrection(TOSM)
·Specifications are based on a matched DUTand refer to a nominal source power of -20dBm at the test port.
·10MHz to 4Ghz
·at IF bandwidth 10Hz
·for +10dB to +3dB|<1dB or 6°
·for+3dB to -50dB|<0.2dB or 1°
·for+3dB to -40dB|typ.<0.025dB
·for-50dB to -60dB|<0.5dB or 4°
·for-60dB to -70dB(ZVCE)|<1dB or 6°
·for-60dB to -75dB(ZVC)|<1dB or 6°
·4Ghz to 8Ghz
·at IF bandwidth 10Hz
·for+10dB to +3dB|<1dB or 6°
·for+3dB to -45dB|<0.2dB or 2°
·for+3dB to -40dB |typ.<0.025dB
·for-45dB to -55dB(ZVCE)|<1dB or 6°
·for-45dB to -60dB(ZVC)|<1dB or 6°
·Accuracy of reflection measurements
·after system error correction (TOSM orfull one-port)
·Specifications are based on an isolaitngDUT and refer to a nominal source power of -20dBm at the testport.
·It is assumed that the return loss of thematch used for calibration is >40dB(effective systemdata:directivity Deff>40dB,test port match Seff>30dB).
·20kHz to 8Ghz
·for+10dB to +3dB|<1dB or 6°
·for+3dB to- ·10dB|<0.4dB+0.04dB/GHz,<3°_0.4°/Ghz
·for=\-10dB to -20dB|<1dB or 6°
·for-20dB to -30dB|<3dB or 20°
·ZVRL(unidirectional network analyzer)
·Accuracy of transmission measurements
·after system error correction (one-pathtwo-port)
·Specifications are based on a matched DUTand refer to a nominal source power of -10dBm at the test port.
·With test set 50Ω
·It is assumed that the return loss of thematch used for calibration is >46dB(effective systemdata:directivity Deff>46dB,test port match Seff>30dB).
·20khz to 4Ghz
·for+10dB to +3dB|<1dB or 6°
·for+3dB to -15dB?|<0.4dB+0.04dB/Ghz,<3°+0.4°/Ghz
·for-15dB to -25dB|<2dB or 6°
·for-25dB to -35dB|<3dB or 20°
·Effective system characteristics(above200kHz)
·These data are valid between20℃and30℃provided the instrument has reached thermal equilibrium(about 1h after swithc-on)and the temperature variations is not more than 1 degree after calibration.
ZVRE,ZVR,ZVCE,ZVC(bidirectional network analyzers)
·After full two-port system errorcorrection(TOSM)
·After system error corrction(one-pathtwo-port)
·Source mathch(PORT 1)|>30dB
·Load match(PORT 2)|>18dB
·Transmission tracking|<0.2dB
·Reflection tracking|<0.06dB
·Output power
·Power range(without options)
·ZVRL,ZVRE,ZVR with test set 50Ω|-25dBm to0dBm
·ZVRL,ZVRE,ZVR with test set 75Ω|-27dBm to-6dBm
·20kHz to 6GHz|-25dBm to 0dBm
·6GHz to 8GHz|-25dBm to -3dBm
·Deviation(at -10dBm)
·These data are valid between20℃and30℃
·up to2Mhz|<1dB
·above 2Mhz|<0.5dB
·Linearity(referred to -10dBm)
·0dBm to -25dBm(up to 20kHz)|<0.8dB
·0dBm to -15dBm(above 20kHz)|<0.4dB
15dBm to -25dBm|<0.6dB
·Spectral purity
40kHz to400MHz |
<-25dBc |
<-25dBc |
above400MHz |
<-30dBc |
<-25dBc |
At-10dBm sourcepower |
up to600MHz |
<-35dBc |
<-35dBc |
above600MHz |
<-40dBc |
<-35dBc |
Spurious |
<-40dBc |
SSBphasenoise |
1Hzbandwidth,10kHz from carrier |
up to10MHz |
<-110dBc |
10MHz to150MHz |
<-100dBc |
150MHz to1Ghz |
<-90dBc |
above 1Ghz |
<-90dBc+20.log(f/GHz) |
ResidualFM |
RMS weighfingfrom 10Hz to 3kHz |
up to10MHz |
<1Hz |
150MHz to1Ghz |
<5Hz |
1Ghzto2Ghz |
<10Hz |
2Ghzto4Ghz |
<20Hz |
above4Ghz |
<40Hz |
Inputlevel |
Maximum nominalinput level |
Receiverstepattenuator |
0dB |
≥30dB |
Withoutoptions |
0dBm |
- |
With receiverStepAttenuator option |
0dBm |
+27dBm |
Damagelevel |
Withoutoptions |
+27dBm |
- |
With ReceiverStep Attenuator option |
+27dBm |
+30dBm |
DamageDCcurrent/voltage |
With passivetest set(internal DC short Rin<0.1Ω) |
0.5A |
With activetest set |
0.5Aor 30V |
RMSnoiselevel(50Ω,without options) |
With 75Ωmodelsthe noise level is higher by 6dB |
Frequencyrange |
IFbandwidth |
Noiselevel |
9khz to50khz |
1kHz |
<-75dBm |
50kHz to200khz |
3kHz |
<-70dBm |
200khz to20Mhz |
3khz |
<-90dBm |
20MHz to3Ghz |
3Ghz |
<-100dBm |
3Ghzto4Ghz |
3Ghz |
<-90dBm |
4Ghzto8Ghz |
3kHz |
<-80dBm |