现货哟@Rohde&Schwarz ZVR 4G网络分析仪罗德与施瓦茨10Hz4GHz的详细介绍
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Rohde&Schwarz ZVR 4G网络分析仪罗德与施瓦茨10Hz4GHz R&S ZVR 4G矢量网络分析仪|R&S|9KHz至4GHz
厂商名称:德国罗德与施瓦茨Rohde&Schwarz R&S
·Data only for 50Ωtest sets.For 75Ωtest sets and further details please refer to data sheet PD 757.1802.23.Unless otherwise stated,specificati*** apply to test ports PORT 1 and PORT2,a nominal source power of -10dBm at the test port and an IF bandwidth≤10kHz
·The arrow marks important data.
·Frequency range,measurement speed,dynamicrange
·Frequency range
·Without External Measurements option
·with passive test set 50Ωor 75Ω|9kHz to4Ghz
·with active test set 50Ωor 75Ω|300kHz to4GHz
·ZVRL,ZVRE,ZVR|10Hz to 4Ghz
·Relative frequencydeviation|<2*10^-6+1*10^-6/a
·Measurement speed(above 2Mhz)
·Number of points|1 to 2001(selectable)
·Measurement time per point|IFbandwidth(IFBW)