True Color Sensor
The ***ARTEYE® COLORWISE™ is the most feature packed color sensor ***ailable. Designed to work as well as an instrument or spectrometer, this sensor can solve the most difficult color applicati*** at higher speeds than color cameras or the closest priced competitive product. The 4 Channel Monitor provides a visual confirmation of performance without h***ing to switch channel selecti*** or touch the sensor in any way.
· Low cost color solution vs. color camera, competitive sensors, or spectrometers
· Visual verification of individual channel performance
· One model fits all applicati***: selectable outputs, timers, resolution, speed, etc.
· Internal logic removes the need for extra processing; ex. Input for latch reset
· Quick disconnect for easy changeover
· Solves shade-to-shade or color-to-color applicati***
· Capture colors from HMI, PLC, or remote button
· 4-Channel Monitor for At-A-Glance performance feedback
· 4-Digital Outputs: NPN or PNP (selectable)
· 3-Analog Outputs: 0-5VDC - XYZ or xyY (selectable)
· Light On, Dark On, or Mute selection for each channel
· Speed vs. Resolution (selectable)
· Color vs. Color + Intensity (selectable)
· Remote Color Capture
· 14-Wire, 6 foot cable, or 6 inch pigtail ¼ turn connector
· Input for Latch Reset/Inhibit or Windowing
· Adjustable Light Intensity: 1 to 100
· Adjustable Tolerance for each channel; 1 to 50
· Adjustable Timers: 1 millisecond to 10 seconds
o Off Delay
o On Delay
o One Shot
o Latch
· Automotive Assembly: interior trim process, seat belts, seat colors (leather & vinyl), carpet matching, bumper and spoiler color matching, color coding of engine parts such as pist***, crankshafts or engine mounts, etc.
· Pharmaceutical: insert verification, verifying pills in blister packs, color tubing, missing parts in operation kits, checking pharmaceutical codes.
· Registration Mark Detection: See specific marks, ignore color graphics in the same path.
· Insert Verificati***: Food Coup***, instruction manuals, MSDS Information.
· Commercial Baking: Monitor the color of baked items such as bread, cookies, roasted coffee beans, potato chips, tortillas etc.
· Graphic Arts: recognition of color marks or inks in the printing and graphic arts industry.
· Bottling Lines: Sorting bottles by color and guiding them to the appropriate filling station. This allows different colored bottles to go down the same shared conveyor line (this may be a new concept to introduce to your customers).
· Verifying that the correct color cap is on a bottle.
· Verifying that the correct color label is on a bottle.
· Verifying that the correct label has been applied or is missing.
· Clear label graphic trigger.
· Sorting Bottles by color to guide to the appropriate filling station.
· Ensuring that the correct color object is being processed.
· Detecting presence of coatings on glass in the retroreflective mode.
The Wisest choice you can make!
True Color Sensor
True Color Sensor
***ailable COLORWISE™ Sensor Models:
COLORWISE™ with 6' Cable:
COLORWISE™ with Connector: