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产品编号:3293842                    更新时间:2020-08-14
价格: ¥555.00


  • 主营业务:哈氏合金,英科耐尔,蒙乃尔,锆702材料,设备,部件
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我公司是进口材料哈氏合金(Hastelloy),锆702和705(Zirconium702和705), 英科乃尔(Inconel)和蒙乃尔(Monel)材料***经销商及哈氏合金, 英科乃尔和蒙乃尔的标准和非标准设备和部件等***制造商. 这些特殊材料和设备广泛用于石化, 制药, 船舶和电力等行业
我公司拥有国外特殊材料供货商和哈氏合金,锆702 和705,英科乃尔和蒙乃尔成熟制造经验,提供以下哈氏合金, 锆702 /705,英科乃尔和蒙乃尔设备和部件:
1. 哈氏C276换热器:
a. 用于氯碱装置中玻璃钢塔内冷却H2SO4介质,2000年起已制造两千多套哈氏C276换热器
b. 主要采购商:河南神马氯碱化工股份有限公司,昊化宇航化工有限责任公司,杭州东日玻璃钢有限公司,中昊科技有限公司等
2. 哈氏C276 Y和V型***过滤器,哈氏B3 V型***过滤器和锆702 V型***过滤器:
   a. 用途:用于醋酸和醋酐装置和其他化工装置
 b. 标准:HG/T21637, SH3411和特殊要求等
c. 主要采购商:上海吴泾醋酸有限公司,山东华鲁恒升化工股份有限公司(醋酸和醋肝), 拜耳材料科技(中国)有限公司, 河北英都气化有限公司, 陕西延长石油(集团)有限责任公司等
3. 哈氏C276测温保护套管和哈氏B3测温保护套管:
   用于化工设备和管路系统测温热电偶保护套管, 2000年起已制造伍千多套哈氏C276测温保护套管和哈氏B3测温保护套管  
4. 哈氏C276除沫器和哈氏B3除沫器:
   a. 用途:哈氏B3除沫器用于醋酸和醋酐装置
b. 主要采购商: 上海焦化有限公司, 哈氏C276除沫器用于其他化工装置
5. 哈氏C276搅拌器和哈氏B3搅拌器:
主要采购商: 按日本客户技术资料要求制造∮1900mm直径大型哈氏C276搅拌器
6. 哈氏C276插入管和哈氏B3插入管: 用于搪玻璃反应器放料管和抽料管
7. 哈氏C276混合器
8. 特殊材料法兰:
   a. 材料: 哈氏C276,哈氏B3/哈氏B2, 哈氏C22, 锆702, 英科乃尔600/800/625/825, 蒙乃尔400, 904L, AL6XN, 2205等
   b. 结构形式: 平面法兰和高颈法兰
   c. 标准:HG20592, HG20615, A***E/ANSI B16.5, DIN, ISO, GB, JB和特殊要求
9. 特殊材料管件:
   a. 材料:哈氏C276, 哈氏B3/哈氏B2, 哈氏C22, 锆702, 英科乃尔600/800/625/825和蒙乃尔400等
b. 产品: 弯头, 同径和异径三通, 同径和异径四通, 翻边短接, 同心变径管, 异心变径管, 管帽, 带螺纹短管和管座等
   c. 标准:A***E/ANSI B16.9, DIN, ISO, GB, JB和特殊要求
10. 特殊材料缠绕垫片:
a. 材料:哈氏C276, 哈氏B3/哈氏B2, 锆702, 英科乃尔600/800/625/825和蒙乃尔400等
b. 产品: 缠绕垫片, 石墨增强垫片, 金属环垫, 齿形垫片和金属包覆垫片等
   c. 标准:A***E/ANSI B16.20, HG20631, HG20610, JB4720/4718, GB4622和特殊要求
11. 特殊材料紧固件:
a. 材料: 哈氏C276, 哈氏B3, 哈氏C22, 锆705, 蒙乃尔400, 英科乃尔600/800/625/825, 904L, AL6XN和2205等
b. 产品: 六角螺栓/螺母, 内六角螺栓/螺母, 双头螺栓/螺母, U型螺栓/螺母, 螺钉/螺母, 卡子螺栓/螺母(用于塔板联接), 平垫片和弹簧垫圈等
c. 标准:GB5782  GB5783  GB70  GB 6170  DIN931/933/603/444,  ISO4014/4017/8677,  A***E B18.2.1/B18.2.2 , 
A***E B18.2.3.1M/B18.2.4.1M 和***螺栓等
d. 主要采购商: 从1997年起,我公司已为许多***国外独资,合资,大型国内企业提供哈氏C276, 哈氏B3, 锆705,蒙乃尔400, 英科乃尔材料紧固件,有些公司定制上万套哈氏合金紧固件,例如拜耳材料科技(中国)有限公司,重庆扬子乙酰化工有限公司(BP)(醋酸厂), 山东华鲁恒升化工股份有限公司(醋酸和醋肝),北京泽华化学工程有限公司,烟台巨力异***酸脂有限公司和苏州诺华制药科技有限公司等
12. 特殊材料钢带:
a. 材料:哈氏C276,哈氏B3/哈氏B2,锆702,英科乃尔600/800/625/825和蒙乃尔400等
b. 用途:缠绕垫片,焊管,塔内件填料,波纹管,阻火器和其他冲压件部件钢带
13. 特殊材料丝,丝网和过滤网:
a. 材料:哈氏C276,哈氏B3/哈氏B2,锆702,英科乃尔600/800/625/825和蒙乃尔400等
b. 标准:GB/T5330和***要求等
14. 哈氏C276塔规整和散堆填料和哈氏B3塔规整和散堆填料
15. 哈氏C276静电接地环:
16. 技术服务, 易损件, 以国代进部件和紧急供应等
主要业绩:从1997年起,我公司已为许多***国外公司,国外独资/合资,大型国内企业提供哈氏合金,锆702 /705, 英科乃尔和蒙乃尔材料,各种形式设备和部件. 如拜耳材料科技(中国)有限公司,重庆扬子乙酰化工有限公司(BP)(醋酸厂),巴斯夫应用化工有限公司,苏州诺华制药科技有限公司,山东华鲁恒升化工股份有限公司,河北英都气化有限公司,上海吴泾醋酸有限公司,镇江索普醋酸有限公司,山东华鲁恒升化工股份有限公司(醋酸和醋肝), 陕西延长石油(集团)有限责任公司,北京泽华化学工程有限公司,烟台巨力异***酸脂有限公司,上海化工研究院,河南神马氯碱化工股份有限公司,合肥通用特种材料设备有限公司,南京斯迈柯特种金属装备股份有限公司,大唐内蒙古多伦煤化工有限责任公司,中昊科技有限公司等.
MP: 13801732820
Equipment and parts for Hastelloy, Ziconium 702/705,Inconel and Monel etc.
Our corporation is an importer submitted the material of Hastelloy, Inconel, Monel and Zirconium702/705 etc. and a manufacturer fabricated all types equipment and parts of Hastelloy, Inconel, Monel and Zirconium etc. These equipment and parts are wide used in the fields of petrochemical, chemical , pharmacy, power, marine and many industries
Our corporation makes the full used of its purchase channels at abroad and its rich experience in handing special materials to submitted following material, equipment and parts of Hastelloy, Zirconium 702 and 705, Inconel and Monel.
1. Hastelloy C276 exchanger.
  a. Used: Hastelloy C276 exchanger be used to cooling sulfuric acid in the vessel of glass pylon in chlor-alkali plant. Since1997, our company had fabricated more than two thousand sets Hastelloy C276 exchangers.
  b. Main purchaser: Henan ShenMa Chlor-alkali Chemical Ltd. Co., HuoHua YuHang Chemical Co., Ltd., HangZhou DongRI Glass pylon Co., Ltd., ZhongHuo Science and technology Co., Ltd.etc.
2. Hastelloy C276 Y / V type filler, Hastelloy B3 V type filler and Zirconium 702 filler
  a. Uses: These fiillers be used in acetic acid plant, (Acetic acid plant)and many plants
b. Standard/Code: HG/T21637, SH3411 and special requirement etc.
c. Main purchasers: Shanghai Wujing Chemical Co., Ltd..(Acetic acid plant ), Huolu Hengshen Chemical Co., Ltd. (Acetic acid plant and(Acetic acid plant ) , HeBei YingDu Gasification Co., Ltd.(Acetic acid plant ), Bayer Material Science (China) Co., Ltd.and ShanXi YanChang Oil (Group) Co., Ltd. etc.
3. Hastelloy C276 temperture protecting pipe and Hastelloy B3 temperture protecting pipe
   These parts be used to protected the thermocouple in the vessel or pipe system. Since1997, our company had fabricated more    than five thousand sets Hastelloy C276 exchangers.
4. Hastelloy C276 mesh and Hastelloy B3 mesh
   a. These meshs be uesd in Acetic acid plant and(Acetic acid plant
   b. Main purchasers: Shanghai Coking & Chemical Corporation
5. Hastelloy C276 agitator and Hastelloy B3 agitator:
Main purchasers: Our company had fabricated a large agitator and1900mm (OD) for Japan Company.
6. Hastelloy C276 inserted pipe and Hastelloy B3 inserted pipe:
  These inserted pipes be usde to take out or take in liquid in honing glass vessel 
7. Hastelloy C276 mixer and Hastelloy B3 mixer
8. Flange for special material.
  a. Material: Hastelloy C276, Hastelloy B2/B3, Hastelloy C22, Zirconium 702, Inconel 600/800/625/825 ,Monel 400, 904L, AL6XN, 2205 etc.
  b. Product: Plane flange and high neck flange
  c. Standard/Code: HG20592, HG20615, A***E/ANSI B16.5, DIN, ISO, GB, JB and special requirement.
9. Fitting for special material.
  a. Material: Hastelloy C276, Hastelloy B2/B3, Hastelloy C22, Zirconium 702, Inconel 600/800/625/825 ,Monel 400 etc.
  b. Product: Elbow, concentric and eccentric reducers, straight tees, straight cross, reducing outlet tees, reducing outlet cross, lap joint ends, cap, short pipe with thread etc.
  c. Standard/Code: A***E/ANSI B16.9, DIN, ISO, GB, JB and special requirement.
10. Spiral wound gaskets for special material. High strength graphite gaskets,
  a. Material: Hastelloy C276, Hastelloy B2/B3, Zirconium 702, Inconel 600/800/625/825 ,Monel 400 etc.
  b. Product: Spiral wound gasket, high strength graphite gasket, solid metal gasket, threaded metal gasket and packing materials gasket etc.
  c. Standard/Code: A***E/ANSI B16.20, HG20631, HG20610, JB4720/4718, GB4622 and special requirement.
11. Fasteren for special material.
   a. Material: Hastelloy C276, Hastelloy B2/B3, Hastelloy C22, Zirconium 702, Inconel 600/800/625/825 ,Monel 400 etc.
  b. Product: Hex bolts/ nuts, Inside hexagonal bolt/ nuts, Threaded studs/nut, U-bolts/nut; Bands bolt /nut, flat washers, spring washers etc
  c. Standard/Code: GB5782 GB5783 GB70 GB 6170 DIN931/933/603/444, ISO4014/4017/8677, A***E B18.2.1/B18.2.2 , A***E B18.2.3.1M/B18.2.4.1M and special requirement.s
  d. Main purchasers : Since 1997, we h***e submitted a lot of the fasteners for Haste loy C276, Hastelloy B3, Zirconium 705,Monel 400 and lnconel alloy for many famous corporati*** both domestic and overseas. Some clients h***e purchased tens of thousands of sets of Hastelloy bolt in an order. such as Bayer Material Science (China) Co., Ltd., Chongqin Yangtze (BP) River AcetylsCo., Ltd. (Acetic acid plant), Shandong HuaLu Hengsheng Chemical Co., Ltd.(Acetic acid plant), Beijing ZeHua Chemical Engineering Co., Ltd, YanTai JuLi Cyanate Fat Co., Ltd.and SuZhou NuoHua Pharmaceutical technology Co., Ltd.etc
12. Stripe for special material.
   a. Material: Hastelloy C276, Hastelloy B2/B3, Hastelloy C22, Zirconium 702, Inconel 600/800/625/825 ,Monel 400 etc. 
   b. Used: spiral wound gasket, tube/pipe, preventing fire part, bollows etc.
13. Mesh and wire for special material:
   a. Material: Hastelloy C276, Hastelloy B2/B3, Hastelloy C22, Zirconium 702, Inconel 600/800/625/825 ,Monel 400, 904L, AL6XN, 2205 etc.
   b. Standard/Code: GB/T5330 and special requirement.
14. Packing parts in the tower of Hastelloy C276 and Hastelloy B3
15. Ring used anti-power: It be used for anti-power in the pipe linied PTFE in pharmaceutical plant
16. Technical service, imported products substituted by our company
Main reference list. Since 1997, our company had submitted a lot of various material, equipment and parts of Hastelloy, Ziconium 702 and 705,Inconel and Monel for many famous corporati*** in home and abroad, such as Bayer Material Science (China) Ltd,
Chongqin Yangtze (BP) River AcetylsCo., Ltd(Acetic acid plant ), Shanghai Basifu Application Chemical Co., Ltd., SuZhou Novartis Pharmaceutical technology Co., Ltd.,Huolu Hengshen Chemical Co., Ltd. (Acetic acid plant and(Acetic acid plant ) , HeBei YingDu Gasification Co., Ltd..(Acetic acid plant ), Shanghai Wujing Chemical Co., Ltd..(Acetic acid plant ), Zhenjiang Suopu Chemical Co., Ltd (Acetic acid plant), ShanXi YanChang Oil (Group) Co., Ltd.,Beijing ZeHua Chemical Engineering Co., Ltd.,Henan ShenMa Chlor-alkali Chemical Co., Ltd., YanTai JuLi Cyanate Fat Co., Ltd.and ShanXi YanChang Oil (Group) Co., Ltd.Nanjing Special Metal Equipment Co., Ltd. Hefei general special material equipment Co., Ltd .,Nanjing Special Metal Equipment Co., Ltd , Datang Inner Mongolia duolun coal chemical Co., Ltd.,ZhongHuo Science and technology Co., Ltd.,and many corporati***.
Should you h***e any questi***, please do not hesitate to contact us at you convenience.
Best rega***,
Chen Zhibao
General Manager
Shanghai NieDuo Fabricating Chemical Equipment Co., Ltd
805/F NO.6-199 JinGang Road Pudong New Area Shanghai,China
Tel. 0086-021-58503107 

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