1 、选用进口原装半封闭双螺杆压缩机,与传统的往复式压缩机相比,具有***、运行宁静、操作简单、使用寿命长等优点。
2 、采用世界***制冷部件,保证机组的质量和运行稳定。
3 、蒸发器、冷凝器均采用***新***螺纹换热铜管,换热系数高,同时管内蒸发与管外冷凝具有较高的换热效率,确保机组良好的制冷性能。
4 、***的制冷回路,可单独维护与检修而不影响整机的使用。
5 、机组采用微电脑可编程控制器控制,配合压缩机分段能量调节系统可及时、准确的控制机制冷量与冷负荷的匹配,保证机组运行效率***高,能耗***低,实现可靠的节能运行。
1, the choice of imports of semi-closed original double-screw compressor, reciprocating compressor, compared with the traditional, high efficiency, quiet operation, simple operation and long life.
2, using the world famous brand refrigeration parts, to ensure the quality and stable unit.
3, evaporator, condenser threads are using the latest high efficiency heat exchanger tubes, heat transfer coefficient, while tube evaporator and condenser tube has a high heat transfer efficiency and ensure a good cooling unit performance.
4, independent of the cooling loop, separate maintenance and repair without affecting the machine's use.
5, the unit uses micro-computer PLC control, energy control system with the compressor section can be timely and accurate cooling capacity control mechani*** and the cooling load matching, to ensure the most efficient plant operation, lowest energy c***umption and achieve energy-s***ing and reliable operation.