

所在地区:广东 深圳


深圳宝安聚丙烯酰胺 化工原料和化学***

产品编号:3458423                    更新时间:2020-08-14
价格: 来电议定


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规格型号 900/1300万 生产厂家/产地 天津
CAS 9001 类别 工业及


PAM: this product is water soluble polymers. Insoluble in most organic solvents, h***e good flocculation sex, reducing friction resistance between liquid. Mainly used for sludge dewatering, solid-liquid separation and coal washing, etc.

目数 名称 型号 品牌 化学成份 外观 有效物质含量 含量 包装规格 PH值使用范围 执行质量标准 CAS
100-180 聚丙烯酰胺(PAM)系列
阴离子800万分子量 山东宏升
丙烯酰胺 白色颗粒或粉末
96(%) 96(%)
25kg袋装 8-14
GB/T13940-92 CH2-C(CONH2)H

二、产品特点:l 、阳离子型、阴离子型、非离子型、***离子型,品种规格齐全,可以满足各方面需要。 2 、水溶性好,在冷水中也能完全溶解。 3 、添加少量本系列产品,即可收到极大的絮凝效果。一般只需添加 0.01 - 10 ppm ( 0.01 - 10g/m3) ,即可充分发挥作用。 4 、同时使用本系列产品和聚合氯化铝,可显示出更大的效果。
三、功能:本系列产品絮凝效果极强,因为它具有: l 、澄清净化作用;2 、沉降促进作用; 3 、过滤促进作用; 4 、增稠(浓)作用及其它作用。在废水、废液处理、污泥浓缩脱水、钻井泥浆添加剂、选矿、洗煤、造纸等方面,能够充分满足各种领域的要求。
四、使用方法:1、使用时,配成 0.1 - 0.3% 浓度的水溶液,以使用中性不含盐类杂物的水为宜。2、溶解时,将本系列产品均匀撒入搅拌的水中,搅速控制在100-300rpm,适当加温(< 60 ℃ ) ,可加速溶解。3 、调整被处理液的PH值,使本系列产品充分发挥作用(通过试验选择***佳PH值和本系列产品的用量)。4 、加入本系列产品溶液时,应加速与被处理液的混合,出现絮凝物后,减慢搅速,以利絮凝物增长和加速沉降。 
五、包装、贮存及注意事项 :采用25Kg衬塑编织袋或纸塑复合袋包装,也可根据用户要求包装。聚丙烯酰胺本身没***性,只有当吸入量大于千分之五时因肠胃粘膜对营养的吸收被粘阻而***。聚丙烯酰胺中残留的丙烯酰胺单体***,食品应用要严格控制。

Mesh 100-180 name polyacrylamide (PAM) series
Model anion 800 million molecular weight brand shandong macro liters
Chemical ingredients acrylamide appearance white particles or powder
Effective substance content 96 (%) content 96 (%)
Packing specification 25 kg bagged PH range of use 8-14
Implement quality standard GB/T13940-92 CAS CH2 - C (CONH2) H

PAM series products (PAM)
A, product introduction: PAM is water-soluble polymer. Because the molecular chain containing a certain amount of polar groups, can pass a suspension of solid particle adsorption water to bridge the particles or through the charge and make particle condensed form large floc properties. So, it can accelerate the settlement of a nanocolloidal suspension of particles h***e ***ious accelerate solution clarification, promote filtering and other effects.
The product features: l, anion and cation type of non-ionic, and the sexual ionic, complete specificati*** varieties, can satisfy the needs of different fields. 2, water-soluble good in cold water can also completely dissolved. 3, add a little of this series product, can receive great flocculation effect. General simply add a 0.01-10 PPM (0.01-10g/m3), can play its full role. 4, also use this series products and polymerization alc13, can show a larger effect.
Three, function: this series product flocculation effect is extremely strong, because it has: l, clarification, purifying effect; 2, settlement, stimulative effect; Three, filter stimulative effect; 4, thickening (thick) function and other effects. In wastewater, liquid treatment, sludge concentration dehydration, drilling mud additives, processing, coal washing, papermaking, etc., can fully meet the requirements of various fields.
Four, using methods: 1, when using, match into 0.1-0.3% to use the concentration of aqueous, neutral excluding salts sundry water advisable. 2, dissolved, will this series product even scatter into the mixing of water, stir speed control in the 100-300rpm, proper heating (< 60 ℃), can accelerate dissolve. Three, adjustment was disposed liquid PH value, make this series product play its full role (through experiment chooses the best PH value and the dosage of this product series). 4, join this series product, should accelerate solution by when mixed with disposing liquid, appear floc properties, slowing stir speed after, eli floc properties growth and accelerate settlement.
Five, packaging, storage and the matters needing attention: the line model 25Kg polywoven bag or/paper-plastic bag packaging, can also according to user requirements packaging. PAM itself has no toxicity, only when inhaled amount more than 1000 because of stomach mucosa 5:00pm the absorption of nutrition is sticky resistance and harmful. PAM residual acrylamide monomer toxic, food application should strictly controlled。





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