Support WTF Poomsae Scoring;
- 符合世界跆拳道联盟***新比赛规则;
- Highest Stability, even running 12 hours continuously;
- ***高稳定,可以12小时连续运行;
- Clear and simple Interface;
- 界面简单、易操作;
- Dual display unit for judger and audience;
- 双屏显示,观众与主裁判看到不同的比赛信息;
- Master and judger in 2 operation modes;
- 主审和副审两种操作方式;
- Simple connection within 2 minutes;
- 连接简单,只需2分钟;
- Support different quantity of Judger (1 to 7);
- 支持不同裁判员人数;
- Accidental data s***ing, Prevent the game data loss
- 突发情况,比赛数据不丢失;
- User definable game time, and related information;
- 任意设置比赛时间,及相关数据;
- Automatic calculation on the final marks;
- 自动计算***后得分;
- Result could be exported to Excel;
- 数据文件为EXCEL格式,方便、快捷、易操作;
- Master judger could control the display Information at audience screen;
- Selectable sorting for the game;
- ***比赛排序方式;
- Player information can be imported from Excel;
- 可导入比赛选手数据;
- Auto run next game.
- 自动跳下一场比赛;
- No limit on player, group;
- 不限选手人数、级别数;
- Support ad hoc, adding, changing and deletion of player;
- 支持随时更换、添加、删除运动员;