供应 进口(韩国)直排式高速缝合机
Explanation : This Product of the latest precision operation machine,which was studied and developed by the Lin King Machine Manufacturing Spe***ts is designed to be used semipermanently by supplementing reasonably the defects and can be recommendadle with self-assurance.
Special Feature : Every part was heat-treated with special steel and the bearings inserted to the upper and lower portion of shaft , all of which h***e made it highly efficient. As the uniquely designed looper by this company was used, this machine turns-round without rattling the entire parts and also it is the type of machine that does needlework ***oothly all the time without getting tangled of thread.
进口(韩国)直排式高速缝合机 是由韩国机器制造***研发设计的***新型高精密缝合机。这款产品被设计为合理弥补传统缝合机的缺陷而且可以很自信的推荐使用该机器。
进口(韩国)直排式高速缝合机 的特点:(1)该机的每一个部件都是由特殊钢材经过高温处置 (2)该机的每一个部位由高低位置不同的机械轴插入到机器轴承中,从而使该机具有极高的工作效率 (3)该机由于使用了韩国公司设计的上述独特机器构造,操作该机时,整台机器的各部位都不会震动及发出大的声音 (4)由于该机的独特构造,在操作过程中,缝针会顺畅工作,不会引起缝合线与织物相互缠绕现象
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