A social audit is a systematic study and evaluation of an organization's social performance, as distinguished from its economic performance. It is concerned with possible influences on the social quality of life instead of the economic quality of life. The social audit leads to social performance.
They h***e listed several positive purposes and benefits to be obtained from a social audit:
It gives management the information it needs to evaluate the affectiveness of programs related to affirmative action, ecology, community development, and the like.
Since managers tend to direct attention to those activities for which reports and evaluati*** are required, the existence of a social audit tends to promote active concern for meeting social performance goals.
It provides information that enables management to compare the relative effectiveness of different social programs.
It enables management to provide information to external groups that make demands on the firm for social performance.
If you h***e any questi***, you can conduct a detailed c***ultation in the following ways.
ADD: 15/F, Building B, No.3064, North Zhongshan Road,Shanghai, China
TEL: 0086-21-51029391
FAX: 0086-21-62604161
E-MAIL: ***@ (prefered )
E-MAIL: id***idlee@ (prefered)
MOBILE: 18601633226
Website: http://en.
CONTACT: Mr. D***id Lee